Md. Ashraful Islam,
Department of Marketing,
Roll:- 9574825, Reg:- 1528500.
Term Paper on
Submitted To
Head of the Department of Marketing,
Submitted By Md. Ashraful Islam ROLL NO. 9574825 REG. NO. 1528500 MARKETING DEPERTMENT 2ND YEAR SESSION 2009 – 10
Student Declaration:-
I am Md. Ashraful Islam. I am a student of BBA 2nd year department of Marketing, Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal, do here by declare that this term paper titled “Consumer Buying Behavior of Nokia Mobile in Bangladesh” is my own research and all the information and data about on the topic which are mentioned here is true. I have completed this term-paper under the supervision of:-
Authenticated by, Name: - Md. Siddiqur Rahman Bhuiya,
Head of the Department of Marketing, Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal.
Sincerely yours,
Md Ashraful Islam
2nd year , BBA hon’s,
Session:- 2009-2010,
Nu roll:- 9574825,
Department of Marketing,
Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal.
At first I want to pay our gratitude to all mighty Allah for preparing the report successfully. Then, I want to pass our gratefulness to our honorable course instructor, MD. SIDDIQUR RAHMAN BHUIYA (Head of the Department of Marketing ,GOVT. SYED HATEM ALI COLLEGE) and MR. BAYAZID BOSTAMI KHAN (Lecturer , Department of Marketing ,GOVT. SYED HATEM ALI COLLEGE) for giving us the opportunity to prepare a collaborative formal survey report and for giving us an overall concept on the Consumer behavior. His contribution to us can only be acknowledged but never be compensated. I would like to give a hearty thanks to all those respondents who Ire intertied for the survey. Thanks to the writer of the book, Consumer behavior-Building Marketing strategy made our works a lot easier. At last I want to thank our respected course teacher once again for giving us such an opportunity, which will enhance our knowledge about Consumer Behavior.
Letter of Transmittal:-
January 2013
Md. Siddiqur Rahman Bhuiya
Associate Professor
Supervisor of Term paper
Department of Marketing
Govt. Syed Hatem Ali College, Barisal .
Sub: Submission of term paper on “A study on consumer’s buying behavior of Nokia Mobile of Bangladesh.”
Dear Sir:
I am pleased to say that I have completed my assigned “A study on consumer’s buying behavior of Nokia Mobile of Bangladesh.” My report focuses on influencers in choosing a particular brand, sources to know the name of different brands, facts regarding marketing communications activities Nokia product quality and its prices, Nokia promotional activities, competitors’ product quality and prices, and how consumers perceive differences betIen Nokia and other handset.
It has been a huge learning experience for me and I have enjoyed preparing this report and look forward to ansIring any queries you may have.
Md. Ashraful Islam
ROLL NO. 9574825
REG. NO. 1528500
Executive Summary:-
A study on consumer’s buying behavior of Nokia Mobile of Bangladesh. Consumer behavior is the study of individuals groups or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. It attempts to understands the decision making process of buyers, both individually and in groups. There are some cultural factors like sports, liking & disliking in TV programs. And they have important effect on accepting the product & to know these cultural factors are truly beneficial for the company for its promotion.
In 1980s Nokia expanded there business sectors and products . The strategy was to expand rapidly on all fronts. Nokia came to its feet quickly as the company started streamlining its businesses . In May 1992 Nokia made the strategic decision to divest its non-core operations and focus on telecommunications . The company's 2100 series phone was an incredible success. In 1994, Nokia sold 20 million handsets the goal was to sell 500,000 units. It has been rumored that a group of businessmen tried to offer Nokia to the SIdish telecom company Ericsson during the recession (1990s).It has been rumored that a group of businessmen tried to offer Nokia to the SIdish telecom company Ericsson during the recession (1990s)!
Nokia is enhancing communication and exploring new ways to exchange information. In short, Nokia is “connecting people”. As in many developing nations, mobile connections outstrip fixed lines in Bangladesh, which introduced cell phones in 1992. After then Nokia is an indispensable part for the mobile user. It has since witnessed rapid growth, with the number of users rising to 11 million in early 2006 from 200,000 in 2001 and analysts predict it will rise to over 20 million by 2007. Nokia becomes the most popular mobile phone set in Bangladesh .
In my study I find that the major reason that Bangladeshi consumer choose Nokia is due to some unique cultural characteristics , their long lasting characteristics and easy servicing characteristics
Table of Content:-
Chapter & SL . No Particulars Page no
01. Introduction 10-15 1. 1. Introduction 10 1.2. Objective of study 10 1.3. Limitations of study 11 1.4. Literature review : 11 1.4.1. Parent theory one : Consumer’s buying behavior of Nokia Mobile 11 1.4.2. Parent theory two : Market segmentation 12 Base For Consumer Segmentation 12 Students as a market segment 13 1.5. Factors affecting on consumer buying behavior : 13 1.5.1. Social factors 13 Family Income 13 Age and Life Cycle 14 Culture 14 Occupation 14 Economic situation 14 1.5.2. Personal and Psychological Factors : 14 Life style 14 Self Concept 15 Motivation 15 Attitude 15
02. Company Profile 16- 21 2.1. Company Overview 16 2.2. Vision Of Nokia 16 2.3. History Of Nokia 17 2.4. Nokia In Bangladesh 18 2.5. Nokia Care 18 2.6. Nokia Price List In Bangladesh 19 2.7. P’s of Nokia 20 2.7.1. Product 20 2.7.2. Place 20 2.7.3. Price 20 2.7.4. Promotion 21 2.7.5. Physical Evidence 21 2.7.6. Packaging 21 2.7.7. Peoples 21
03. Research methodology 22- 24 3.1. Types of research 22 3.1.1. Qualitative MR 22 3.1.2. Quantitative MR 23 3.2 Data Collection Method 23 3.2.1 Primary data 23 Questionnaire 23 Interview 23 Personal interview 23 3.2.2. Secondary data 24 3.3 Sampling methods 24 3.3.1. Non-probability sampling methods 24 3.3.2. Probability/random sampling methods 24
0.4. Findings and Analysis 25- 26 4.1. Findings 25 4.2. Analysis 25 4.2.1. Why Bangladeshi consumers chose Nokia 25 4.2.2. Can Nokia sit back and relax 26
05. Conclusions 27
CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION: Now-a-days we are surrounded by the modern science and technology. We are using a huge amount of electronics products everyday. It makes our life easier and it increases our standard of living. Mobile phone is one of them. New generations have mobile phones to stay in touch with relatives and loved ones.
Today one of the fastest growing sectors is telecommunication. Companies that design, manufacture and distributes electronics devices and services. They are investing a huge amount of money in research, development and marketing. Except this it is a highly evolving sector. Global leaders of in this sector are Apple, Sony, Nokia , Samsung and LG .
In yesteryears customer had a little choice in the market as they want to use a new and propensity one. Traditionally, new features are the primary selling in this sector. This has changed drastically in the last five years. As the old and matured, industry leaders started losing customers to new and upcoming companies, which then prompted the marketers to focus on new selling points like user-friendliness to attract or retain customers. This paradigm shift is the basis of my research.
1.2.1. Broad objectives:
To identify the consumer buying behavior for mobile phones and other gadgetry products
1.2.2. Specific objectives: The objective of this research paper is as follows :
# To know the consumer buying behavior of mobile phones
# To know which brand is most preferred brand in the market
# To understand the consumer philosophies when choosing technological products
# The identify the consumer decision making process for mobile handsets
1.3. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY # There is no available data in Barisal # Time frame is shorter than necessary # There are no rigorous statistical tools used in this study # No available reports on it # Respondents are not willing to give attention to the question. 1.4. LITERATURE REVIEW:-
Consumer behavior is the study of individuals groups or organizations and the processes they use to select , secure and dispose of products , services , experiences , or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society .< 1 > It blend’s elements from psychology , sociology , social anthropology and economics . It attempts to understands the decision making process of buyers , both individually and in groups . It studies characteristics of individual consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand people’s wants . It also tries to assess influences on the customer from groups such as family , friends , reference groups and society in general. Customer behavior study is based on consumer buying behavior , with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user , prayer and buyer . Research has shown that consumer behavior is difficult to predict , even for experts in the field < 2 > . Relationship marketing is an influential asset for customer behavior analysis as it has a keen interest in the re-discovery of the true meaning of marketing through the re-affirmation of the importance of customer or buyer . A greater importance is also placed on consumer retention , customer relationship management , personalization , customization and one-to-one marketing . Social functions can be categorized into social choice and Ilfare functions . Each method for vote counting is assumed as social function but if Arrow’s possibility theorem is used for a social function , social Ilfare function is achieved . Some specifications of the social functions are decisiveness , neutrality , anonymity , monotonicity , unanimity , homogeneity and Iak and strong Pareto optimality . No social choice function meets these requirements in an ordinal scale simultaneously . The most importance characteristic of a social function is identification of the interactive effect of alternatives and creating a logical relation with the ranks . Marketing provides services in order to satisfy customers . With that in mind , the productive system is considered from it’s beginning at the production level , to the end of the cycle , the consumer ( Kioumarsi et al ; 2009 ) .
Everyday consumer makes many buying decision . There are lots of company who are doing research about consumer buying decision to ansIr the question about what consumer buy , where they buy , how and how much they buy , when they buy and why they buy . Though marketer can only study actual consumer purchase to find out what they buy , where and how much . HoIver , learning about the whys of consumer buying behavior is not so easy . The ansIr of these whys are often locked deep within the consumer’s head.
For most of the past century , major consumer products companies held fast to mass marketing , mass – producing , mass- distributing and mass-promoting . HoIver , companies today recognize that it is not possible to create apple to all buyers in the market place with the same product or service or same marketing mix because of buyers are to numerous , too widely scattered as Ill as too varied in their needs and buying behavior . So it is better to compete in a segment or target market rather than compete in entire market especially when competition with superior competitors . (Armstrong & Kotler , 2004 )
According to Armstrong & Kotler (2004) , Marketing segmentation is the process of dividing a products market into distinct groups with distinct needs , characteristics of the prospective buyers , or behaviors who might require separate products or services or marketing mix .
The fast stage of the target market is Market segmentation (Dividing the market in small groups with distinct needs and character ) , second stage is Market targeting (Evaluate the attractiveness of market segment and select on or more segment to enter) . The final steps of target marketing are Market positioning (Develop competitive positioning for the product in target segment and develop a marketing mix ) . (Armstrong and Kotler , 2004 ) BASE FOR CONSUMER SEGMENTATION
There is no signal why to segment a market . Successful segmentation is achieved when consumers sharing parallel patterns of demand are grouped simultaneously and where is each cluster or segment vary in the pattern of demand from other segments in the market place . Marketer has to try different segmentation variables , alone and in combination in order to find out the best way to view the market . STUDENTS AS A MARKET SEGMENT
Market segmentation is a vital part of consumer behavior . Prospective consumer is segmented according to a lot of dimensions , including service or product usages , demographics (sex , age) , psychographic (psychological lifestyle and characteristic lifestyle) .Students with typical age from 18 – 22 years have been considered as an important market segment since they share many common attitudes and behavioral characteristics ( Jenkinson , 2000 ) . Most significantly , they are distinguished from non – students per group , such as in lifestyle characteristics , and have long been targeted as a lucrative segment that marketers can attract at a critical point during which they develop many of their opinions and preferences that they will keep throughout their lives and the opportunity to build longer term of relationships with the high earners of tomorrow . (Arnold , 1998)
In Bangladesh , student shoppers have not been a popular area for academic research , interest has emerged over the past 5 years especially focused on areas such as attitude and lifestyle characteristics from commercial researchers as more and more companies targets the youth market . The reason is abundantly clear ; in Bangladesh there are currently around 1.5 million students are using mobile phone . 85 percent of full time undergraduate students are in the 18 – 24 year old age group and predominantly in the A , B , C1 social class categories . Furthermore , they are also considered as an important ‘feeder group’ of the total youth market , of which they constitute about 30 percent (Jenkinson , 2000) . As Jenkinson (2000) points out : ‘what will work with them 9 times out of 10 will work outside of the campus .‘ 1.5. FACTORS AFFECTING ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOR :
1.5.1. SOCIAL FACTOR : Family Income
The social class of the target market has determined according to their family income. I decide that income level more than 40,000 BDT is the higher class, 30000 – 40000 BDT upper middle class, 20000 – 30000 BDT middle class, 10000 –20000 BDT loIr middle class and less than 10000 BDT are loIr class. From the survey I found our respondents are 32% from upper class, 18% are from upper middle class, 25% middle class, 15% loIr middle class and 10% are from loIr class. Age and Life Cycle
Over their life time people change their goods and services. Buying behavior also affected by the family life cycle such as unmarried, married and divorce. Sony has created its new unit called the Consumer Segment Marketing Division . They have identified seven life stage segment that include Gen Y (Under 25 ) , Young Professional / D.I.N.K.s (Double income no kids , 25 to 34 ) , Families (35 to 54) and Zoomers (55 over ) . Culture
There are some cultural factors like sports, liking & disliking in TV programs.
And they have important effect on accepting the product & to know these cultural factors are truly beneficial for the company for its promotion .
Lancaster et al (2002) define that Culture is ‘learned’ behavior that has agreed over time , resistant in our everyday lives throughout the family unit and all the way through educational and spiritual or religious institutions . When learning social class , the company must construct decisions on the support of information exposed by independently designed research , without any presumption or relations with inferiority or superiority in ‘loIr’ or ‘higher’ societal groups . Occupation
Occupation of the buyer also affects their behavior to buy something such as Blue – collar workers trend to buy cloths that are more rugged but executive trend to buy to buy more suits . (Kotler et al . 2002 ) Economic situation
Economic situation of buyer hugely affect the buying behavior . If someone have enough spendable income or borrowing poIr he or she can spent expensive mobile phone for using . (Kotler et al . 2002 ) 1.5.2. Personal and Psychological Factors : Life style
Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her activities (work , hobbies , shopping , sports and social events) , interest (food , fashion , family , recreation) and opinions (about themselves , social issues , business , products ) . (Kotler et al . 2002 ) Self Concept
The self concept or self – image expresses in a way , which relates to individuals private matters and this promotes acceptance within a group . Self is partial by social relations and persons make purchases that are consistent with their self – concept in order to protect and enhance it .
To know what they think about themselves I place a self concept test in our survey questionnaire. The average respondents characterized themselves in the resulting manner.
Neither Emotional nor Rational
Neither Youthful nor Mature
They are moderately organized
They are moderately formal
Neither Traditional nor Trendy
They like color Motivation
Individual has many needs at any given time . Some needs are arise from the need for recognition , esteem as Ill as belonging . They are known as psychological needs .
Many psychologists have developed theories about human motivation . HoIver , the theories of Sigmund Freud and Abraham Maslow have quite dissimilar meaning for consumer analysis and marketing . In his theory , Sigmund Freud assumed that human being is largely unconscious about the psychological forces shaping behavior . Freud recommended that individual dose not perfectly understand his or her motivation . (Kotler et al . 2002 ) Attitude
These are the tools people use to recognize their feelings , gather and analysis information , formulate thoughts and opinions and tendencies toward an object or idea .
The consumers attitude toward a product or a specific brand is a function of the presence or absence and evaluation process of certain product specific beliefs or attributes . For example , consumers generally have positive attitudes toward those products which they believe have an adequate level of attribute .( Schiffman and Kanuk , 2003)
In the world of mobile phones, NOKIA has always been the market leader. This is so because all the researches are done, keeping in mind, its fastest and best up gradation, as compared to other players in mind. Nokia is not only provides a communication media for family, friends and colleagues, but also a platform for information and entertainment for the user. Some of the latest Nokia mobile phones in the series are Nokia 2730 classic, Nokia 2720 fold, and Nokia 7020. This series is Internet-ready and gives the privilege of combining work with communication.
Today's fast moving high-tech world is ultra modern and loaded with continuous technology development. Why should Nokia fall behind? In fact, customers have observed Nokia catalyzing the growth of the informal sector across the globe. This creates an everlasting impact on the lives of its customers and young entrepreneurs.
Internet connectivity is one basic feature of the latest and recent Nokia Mobile Phones. This latest feature enables easy access to Email, calendars, Internet connectivity and applications such as file sharing. Users have the facility of connecting to their social networks and share the pictures, taken with 2.0 megapixel camera. This is not all to the recent developments in Nokia series. Latest feature of track-down GRPS Navigation facility makes traveling - life lot easier as the person can trace the location where he is standing and utilize this to locate the desired destination. This has come as a relief to those who are regularly moving in their jobs and are left puzzled due to unexplored, anytime and every time. 2.2. VISION OF NOKIA
Customer satisfaction stems not only from the products but also from how effectively it interact with the community . As Nokia becomes more and more of a global entity , its obligations in terms of how it satisfies its stakeholders grow. Nokia’s corporate responsibility programming reflects an increasing interest (both internally and externally) in the impact its business actions have on communities from societal , environmental , and economic perspectives.
As a market leader, the best contribution it can make to the global community is to conduct the business in a responsible way. This belief drives its commitment to creating ethically sound policies and principles that guide the team in their work. The Corporate Responsibility (CR) agenda is framed around the Nokia Values and is carried out in all aspects of their work to ensure customer satisfaction and respect and also to assist them in embracing renewal and striving for achievement.
Nokia’s values are put into action with the help of the Nokia Code of Conduct, which aims to reach beyond legal compliance or reactionary positioning by taking a leading role in the various areas where society is affected by the mobile communication business.
This translates into further action as I integrate CR ideas and work practices throughout their various business channels. By striving to include all members of Nokia’s community in this process, they are demonstrating the overall commitment to the belief that responsibility is everybody’s business.
Nokia is known today as the largest manufacturer of mobile phones , having about 40 percent of the world market share in the second quarter of 2008. This company is even the reason why Finland is a prosperous country in which it is accounted for about 30 percent of the nation's market capitalization. But Nokia had a really humble beginning-it all started in 1865. In1865, an engineer named Fredrik Idestam started a wood-pulp mill and started manufacturing paper in southern Finland near the banks of a river. Those Ire the days when there was a strong demand for paper in the industry, the company's sales achieved its high-stakes and Nokia grew faster and faster.
The Nokia exported paper to Russia first and then to the United Kingdom and France. The Nokia factory employed a fairly large workforce and a small community grew around it. In southern Finland a community called Nokia still exists on the river bank of Emkoski . Finnish Rubber Works, a manufacturer a Rubber goods , impressed with the hydro-electricity produced by the Nokia wood-pulp (from river Emkoski), merged up and started selling goods under the brand name on Nokia. After World War II, it acquired a major part of the Finnish Cable Works shares. The Finnish Cable Works had grown quickly due to the increasing need for poIr transmission and telegraph and telephone networks in the World War II. Gradually the ownership of the Rubber Works and the Cable Works companies consolidated. In1967, all the 3 companies merged-up to form the Nokia Group . The Electronics Department generated 3 % of the Group's net sales and provided work for 460 people in 1967, when the Nokia Group was formed . At the same time, new legislation alloId the Finnish telecommunications authorities to set up a mobile network for car phones that was connected to the public network . The result was Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT). Opening in 1981,NMT was the world's first multinational cellular network . During the following decade, NMT was introduced in many other countries and launched the rapid expansion of the mobile phone industry. At the end of the 1980s a common standard for digital mobile telephony was developed. This standard is known as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications).
In1991 Nokia made agreements to supply GSM networks to nine European countries and by August 1997 Nokia had supplied GSM systems to 59 operators in 31 countries.In1988, in Nordic countries Nokia was a large television manufacturer and the largest information technology company . In 1980s Nokia expanded there business sectors and products . The strategy was to expand rapidly on all fronts. Nokia came to its feet quickly as the company started streamlining its businesses . In May 1992 Nokia made the strategic decision to divest its non-core operations and focus on telecommunications . The company's 2100 series phone was an incredible success. In 1994, Nokia sold 20 million handsets the goal was to sell 500,000 units. It has been rumored that a group of businessmen tried to offer Nokia to the SIdish telecom company Ericsson during the recession (1990s).It has been rumored that a group of businessmen tried to offer Nokia to the SIdish telecom company Ericsson during the recession (1990s)!
In 1992, the company decided to focus more on the telecommunications business. In the same year , Nokia launched its first GSM handset, which is the Nokia 1011.It was in 1994 that the Nokia tune was launched. It was the Nokia 2100 that featured this famous classic phone tune. The success of Nokia continued until the world's first satellite call was made in 1994 using a Nokia mobile phone. And in 1997,Nokia introduced a classic game highly associated with the company-Snake . Today, Nokia is a world leader in digital technologies, including mobile phones, telecommunications networks, wireless data solutions and multimedia terminals.
2.4. Nokia In Bangladesh
Nokia is the world's largest manufacturer of mobile devices; a leader in equipment, services and, solutions for network operators and a driving force in bringing mobility to businesses. Nokia is enhancing communication and exploring new ways to exchange information. In short, Nokia is “connecting people”. As in many developing nations, mobile connections outstrip fixed lines in Bangladesh, which introduced cell phones in 1992. After then Nokia is an indispensable part for the mobile user. It has since witnessed rapid growth, with the number of users rising to 11 million in early 2006 from 200,000 in 2001 and analysts predict it will rise to over 20 million by 2007. Nokia becomes the most popular mobile phone set in Bangladesh .
“Nokia Care” – is the branch of Nokia in Bangladesh. This year in July Nokia has set up a headquarters in Bangladesh to oversee its mobile handset business in emerging Asian markets, including Bangladesh. It is situated at Gulshan 1.
It’s operating its business from Bangladesh for Asian markets , including Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Nepal , Bhutan and Maldives . It has no franchiser or licensee in Bangladesh .
Nokia – C2-0 5750
Nokia – X2 – 05 5990
Nokia - X2 – 02 6800
Nokia – Asha 200 7300
Nokia – Asha 300 9800
Nokia – 5233 10700
Nokia – 5250 9700
Nokia – C3 – 01 14750
Nokia – X3 – 02 12850
Nokia – Nb – 00 37500
Nokia – N79 29900
Nokia – C7 29800
Nokia – C6 19950
Nokia – E71 19300
Nokia – e5-00 16200
Nokia – E63 13150
Nokia - 5533 14500
Nokia – C5- 00 11800
Nokia – 5233 10700
Nokia – 5250 9700
Nokia – C3- 00 9300
Nokia – X2 - 00 8500
Nokia – 2700 5600
Nokia – 2690 4495
Nokia – C1- 01 3995
Nokia – 5030 2700
Nokia – 1616 2150
Nokia – 1280 1770
Nokia – 6700Classic 17300
Nokia – 63031 9650
Nokia – 7230 9300
2.7.1. PRODUCT
Nokia basically produce to kind of mobile sets GSM & CDMA. In our country GSM sets are highly focused because there are three GSM Telecommunication Company , while one CDMA telecommunication company Nokia has basically focused on three categories of mobile set according to technical facility & price. They are High end level: N-series (Such as: N70, N73, N75, N90, N91, N92, N93 etc.)
Mid level: 5 thousand series (Such as: 5140, 5200 etc.), 6 thousand series (Such as: 6600, 6230 etc.), 7 thousand series (Such as: 7650, 7610 etc.), 8 thousand series (Such as: 8850, 8800 etc.).
Low end level: 1 thousand series (Such as: 1110, 1100, 1600 etc.), 2 thousand series (Such as: 2112, 2100 etc.), 3 thousand series (Such as: 3108, 3200 etc.). Nokia is the only mobile phone company who has introduced our language Bangla first in their set. Bangla text, Nokia 6070, Nokia 6060, Nokia 2610, Nokia 2310, Nokia 1600, Nokia 1112, Nokia 1110i and Nokia 1110 sets feature Bangla talking alarm, Bangla speaking clock, Bangla iconic interface, Bangla keypad and Bangla games. To announce the Bangla support and its commitment to creating products that Bangladeshis find easy to use, Nokia released its range of products with an advertising campaign featuring local scenes that depict how "some things only make sense in Bangla.”
2.7.2. PLACE
Nokia is sold in different outlets around the world. Here this list shows the different places for Nokia.
Networks Technology Mobile Devices and Enhancements
Customization and Logistics Centre
United States
Great Britain
South Korea
2.7.3. PRICE
“Nokia is highly priced”- most of the people believe that which came from our survey .Common people’s perception for high pricing is firstly, for brand image and secondly , for longer lasting period. Its price has started from about 3,000.00 BDT to 70,000.00 BDT according to different models of sets . But still having high price Nokia has a high value in its customer’s mind.
The promotion strategy of Nokia is designed for its availabilities and ease of usability. Recently they are emphasizing on the Bangla text . As they introducing the Bangla text in mobile phone , they are using it as their main promotion tool and is reflected in their all sorts of promotion tools . They are using both ATL (above the line: TV ads , paper ads) & BTL (Below the line: shop sign , poster , banner). As they have different age level users so they promote their product for generalized format, for all.
Nokia is today a very Ill known brand in Bangladesh . In most shops (Eastern Plaza , Bashundhara Shopping Mall , Motalib Plaza etc.) Nokia is displayed in front self with transparent glasses and it’s easily visible while passing through .
They follow the packaging strategy based on their product category . They emphasize specially on mid & high end level mobile. But still nokia is holding a good position in product packaging. They have posh packaging for the high end set .
2.7.7. PEOPLES
At Nokia, customers remain the top priority. Customer focus and consumer understanding must always drive its day-to-day business behavior. Nokia’s priority is to be the most preferred partner to operators, retailers and enterprises.
Nokia will continue to be a growth company and Nokia will expand to new markets and businesses .World leading productivity is critical for its future success. The brand goal is for Nokia to become the brand most loved by our customers .
In line with these priorities, Nokia’s business portfolio strategy focuses on five areas, wit each having long-term objectives:
- Create winning devices
- Embrace consumer Internet services
- Deliver enterprise solutions
- Build scale in networks
- Expand professional services
Research always starts with a question or a problem. Its purpose is to question through the application of the scientific method. It is a systematic and intensive study directed towards a more complete knowledge of the subject studied.
Marketing research (MR) is the function which links the consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information- information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions , monitor marketing actions , monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of market as a process .
Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs , and the method for collecting information, manage and implemented the data collection process , analyses the results and communicate the findings and their implication Marketing Research is , thus, defined as, the systematic, objective and exhaustive search for and study of the facts relating to any problem in the field of marketing.
“American Marketing Association”, defines MR as the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about problems relating to the marketing of goods and services . Thus , three key ideas regarding marketing research are:- i. Marketing research is concerned with studying any of the manifold problems in marketing.
ii. Its purpose is to aid decision-making in the marketing field.
iii. Systematic gathering and analysis of information is its route in achieving its purpose.
3.1. Types of research:-
3.1.1. Qualitative MR :
• It is used in exploratory research work.
• Expresses and summarizes data non-numerically/qualitatively.
• Tackles a limited number of respondents.
• It involves in-depth probe.
• It involves non-structured questioning/observation
• Is the soft version of MR.
• Provides insights on marketing problems.
• Final course of action cannot depend on its findings.
3.1.2. Quantitative MR:
My project work is concerned with this type of research. It has the following features:-
• It is used more in conclusive research projects.
• Expresses and summarizes data numerically/qualitatively.
• Tackles a large number of respondents; often amounts to large-scale surveys.
• It involves limited probe with limited questions.
• It involves structured questioning/observation
• Is the hard version of MR.
• Provides hard facts on marketing problems.
• Final course of action can depend on its findings
3.2 Data Collection Method :
3.2.1 Primary data:
It is original data, first hand and for the specific purpose of the research project . For this project, I have used the following common research instrument:- Questionnaire:
Questionnaire development is the critical part of primary data collection job. For this I have prepared a questionnaire in such away that it is able to collect all relevant information regarding the project. In this questionnaire, I have used mostly close-ended questions that are easier to be ansIred by respondents (consumers) and also easier for interpretation and tabulation & one open-ended question to take the opinion of the respondents in their own words. The questions Ire asked to the consumers covering perception towards their purchase, price of the product, purpose for using the product, characteristic of the product, brand image, effectiveness of the advertisements, sales promotional activities, overall opinion about the product etc.
For collecting the ansIrs from the above questionnaire, I have used the following common method:- Interview:
It is the most common method for contacting consumers & collecting primary data. For this project I have used following type of interview:- Personal interview:
It is the most extensively used method. It enables better control of the sample and ensures ansIrs from the respondents. It also provides for a tactful approach to the respondent since it is based on a person-to-person talk. But this method is generally more Expensive and time consuming.
For this project each interview was taking 15 to 20 minutes to complete.
Interview was also delayed due to un-availability of respondent in house.
3.2.2. Secondary data
It was collected to add the value to the primary data. History, its profile and other necessary records and information was collected by referring to Ibsite , magazines , annual reports , reference books , daily newspapers etc.
3.3 Sampling methods:
Sampling methods fall under two broad categories:
3.3.1. Non-probability sampling methods:-
a) Convenience sampling.
b) Judgment sampling.
c) Quota sampling.
d) Panel sampling.
3.3.2. Probability/random sampling methods:-
a) Simple random sampling.
b) Stratified sampling.
c) Systematic random sampling.
d) Area sampling.
For this project I folloId random sampling method. In this method sample units are selected at random. From random sampling method I selected area sampling method . Area sampling is a form of stratified sampling. In this case, the stratification is based on the criterion of locations. This method selects the sample units in several stages. At each stage a series of intermediary geographical blocks are randomly selected. It is from within these blocks, that the sample units are then selected at random .
This is a qualitative type of study. Because here I are only identify the consumer buying behavior for mobile handsets
Data collection:
Most of the data are collected through secondary sources:
Published material
Ib sites
News paper and books
Some other data are collected through a structured questionnaire . For this purpose, a questionnaire with some close ended and open ended questions are developed.
In the following, I present and discuss our empirical findings, observations, and related studies on the people in Bangladesh using the factors as discussed in our conceptual model .
The Nokia 1000 series dominated the market. In fact, the Ultra basic model Nokia 1100 is one of the most popular cell phones in the world as Ill .
Nationwide statistics also shows that the mobile penetration rate soared by around 250% from 6% in 2005 to 15% in 2006 . There could be three possible reasons behind such growth; (a) governments reduction of import tax on mobile phone handsets from Tk. 1,500 (US$25) to Tk. 300 (US$5) in mid 2005, (b) reduction of tax on SIM/RIM from Tk. 1,300 (US$20) to Tk. 800 (US$12) in 2006, and (c) initiation of competitive airtime tariffs with flexible payment options (e.g. prepaid service). 4.2. ANALYSIS
Primary data Ire categorized according to the research objectives in general and the insights derived from the literature review. The categorized data Ire used to examine the existing concepts by a simple frequency analysis (i.e. percentage) and to establish some arguments based on the discussions, open-ended questions and observations. The comprehensive literature review and series of data collection efforts until the point of theoretical saturation in our study suffice the iterative and comparative characteristics of the qualitative research . Orlikowski states that the resultant framework from the process of theoretical saturation would be empirically valid and should “generalize the patterns across the sites”.
The literature review process folloId the guidelines of Ibster and Watson and Oates which are designed to lead to the proposal of a conceptual model that synthesizes and extends existing research . Finally, the findings Ire summarized in a conceptual graphical model, called RUTAM, where each of associated variables is explained and rationalized by the theoretical and practical groundings.
Almost all global mobile phone firms would like to gain a share in South Asian Market and Bangladesh is one of them . It is a biggest market which also has a great potential . HoIver , Bangladesh is an emerging low – price market . According to Chang and Horng (2010) emerging low – price market is very unique and has its individuality . In this market , different regions and cities even small towns and villages have distinctive request . Consequently , products , price , and design need to be revised according to local circumstances . Particular consumer demand , diverse consumer taste , younger consumer , limited income , Iak infrastructure , undeveloped technologies and rapid market change are general characteristics of emerging low – price market . Unlike many other firms , Nokia was able to respond to this unique market demand and changed its strategy in order to adapt it . Therefore Bangladeshi consumer see that and choose Nokia as their first choice .
Another’s major reason that Bangladeshi consumer choose Nokia is due to some unique cultural characteristics , their long lasting characteristics and easy servicing characteristics .
That is why most of the Bangladeshi consumer choose Nokia as their first choice . It is easy to get into a situation that people ask you why not have a Nokia phone since everyone has it or has had it . It is likely to make someone loosing face if he or she dose not own one .
Up till now , Nokia may still be the biggest mobile phone maker around the globe with enviable revenues and profits . HoIver the company has started losing its market share since Apple iPhone was introduced on the market .
There are some predictions about Nokia’s future which are not very positive . What is more the company’s latest financial report did not look good – the operating profits decreased by 26 % in the last quarter of 2010 and the net earnings dropped by 21 % (Duncan , 2011) . The new CEO of Nokia – Stephen Elop has also mentioned – the mobile phone giant is standing on a burning platform surrounded by a fire of competition (Business News Al Jazeera , 2011) . Apple and Android rapidly caught up with Nokia and soon took over the market , the new CEO criticized Nokia for being too slow to respond to changes in trends (Business News Al Jazeera , 2011) . Moreover Nokia is also facing competition from low cost local manufacturers . Nokia is getting squeezed both at the top and bottom segments form different breed of competitors (Shah , 2010) . Some Chinese no name firms produce very cheap cell phone devices that threaten Nokia’s low – end market . Apple’s iPhone smart phone is taking over the leading position in high – end market . Other competitors like Samsung and HTC will never give Nokia a break either .
Nokia is a large company in the world which is working in Bangladesh since 1992 officially after introducing the telecommunication sector here. It has a high brand image. If the company follow the suggested strategies it can grow more .
This paper has explored earlier theories and models on technology adoption and diffusion and summarized them into a conceptual research model, which has not been done before so comprehensively. I have detailed and rationalized the factors by means of empirical data and studies related to rural Bangladesh. The conceptual model populated with some factors as presented here can be useful for policy makers, service and technology designers and marketers, and researchers having particular interest to serve rural communities in developing regions. The inclusions of two new external factors – „tech-service promotion‟ and „tech-service attributes‟ – may be of special interest for the researchers devoted to technology acceptance and diffusion models.
Nokia’s unique approach in establishing plants and penetrating the market in Bangladesh is a story worth telling . I cannot talk about the future of Nokia but I can be certain that many companies can learn from it and follow its strategy in the future . The Finnish company has been keen enough to realize that their success is dependent very much on their customers and the customers values and needs . Important also to mention is the fact that Nokia approached Bangladeshi market thoughtfully rather then universally . That has given Nokia a major market share and lots of loyal customers . I have learned that not only the marketing strategy of foreign company should be adapted to the local needs and beliefs , but also its products and services .
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