“Poetic Justice” is a short story by Dianna Appleyard. In the short story is there presented a contrast. It is a contrast between a woman, who lives an ordinary life with husband and children, and then Jed Cunningham who lives on the edge. He take risks, is very spontaneous and never looks back on the past, he is always “seizing the day”1 as the story puts it. Somehow there is a common in these two persons, and it is their dreams. Their dream about doing something they know never will happen and their desire of being crazy and spontaneous.
Jed Cunningham was a young man, who had been in a relationship with the woman in the story. He hated to look back, and he had a mantra which was “you lived for the day”2. The last thing he would ever do was to come to the school reunion, because throughout he had been at school, he never seemed a part of the school. The teacher feared him and accused him of disrespect for their authority. It was because of his searing intelligence and his inability to fit into the common herd.
Still he was the kind of person everyone looked up to and wanted to be. He had his own opinions, was independent, had his own ideas and he was clever.
The woman in the story is described as a woman, who fears reality and a typical housewife. She is living in the past and can’t realize she is a middle age woman, with two children and a husband. She is a woman with furrows and forms, because she is getting older, but she won’t realize. She is wearing her daughter clothes, uses her cream to hide the furrows and go to the gym to the rid of her forms. It is like she has a low self-esteem and fears the fact that she is a middle age woman.
After he broke up with Jed, she forgot her dreams and her future. Then her life turned out as the way it had to, go to the university, get a husband, have children, a car and a house. She had to be safe, so she could secure her future, but she forgot her dreams.
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