Learning Objectives: - AO1: Respond to texts critically and imaginatively, select and evaluate textual detail to illustrate and support interpretations. - AO2: Explain how language, structure and form contribute to writers’ presentation of ideas, themes and settings.
( Pre-reading activity
Here is a riddle for you…
Who do you think would be ‘…my husband’s wife’?
What about ‘…my mother’s only daughter’?
The title of the poem is ‘Casehistory: Alison (head injury)’.
What do you think this poem is going to be about?
( Make a note of your ideas.
( Why might you talk about yourself in the third person? What is the effect?
( Take 2 minutes to discuss the effect with your partner. Swap and develop your ideas. Feed back your ideas to the rest of the class.
First impressions
( Read the poem.