Alex Nelson's Poetry Explanation on Wordsworth's poem "I Wandered As Lonely As A Cloud"
Imagine walking through a field in early summer, around an aqua blue lake that is in the shape of a giant egg. You discover a field of daffodils that is flowing in motion like a grand "dance" full of elegance. This area is full of sublime that can only be fully appreciated by a poet. William Wordsworth has been to this place and it was the subject of his poem "I Wandered As Lonely As A Cloud." He entered a state of tranquility when he visited here and writes this proficient piece of poetry when he has recollections about the daffodils. This poem questions the actual connection of man with nature. This essay will look into the figurative language, tone, theme, and imagery to discuss how the crisis of the speaker when he realizes that he cannot sustain the exalted feeling of looking out at the flowers. It will also look into the resolution, the memory, and the recollection. The figurative language hints at settle meanings that are not on the surface of this poem. They suggest the very connection between man and nature, and man's desire to be part of the natural world. In this poem Wordsworth personifies the daffodils as people: "A host of golden daffodils / Fluttering and dancing in the breeze". (Lines 4 & 6) This personification is relating the ecosystem around this majestic lake to human nature exemplified in everyday life. The speaker wants to become a part of this natural dance and become part of natures flow. People constantly want to become part of nature and Wordsworth believes that he can become a cloud in these moments of epiphany: "I wandered lonely as a cloud" (line 1) When he enters this surreal state during his recollections he also enters the sublime state of mind. The tone of this poem starts out as ecstatic, than somber, and than ecstatic. It only takes the speaker a recollection to overcome it and