I have already mentioned that I have a great love for both of these poems, and you are probably wondering what is so special about them? Time for me to help you see why they are so amazing. Both of these poems are telling the audience a story of personal experience. However, the poets use different poetic structures to convey their message. Fourteen Poor Men is written as a lyrical, where as Migrants is written in ballad form.
Let me briefly shed some light onto each of the poets, and their backgrounds, which might help you all to have more of an understanding into some of the impacts on their writing. So first of all, let’s start with Mary Gilmore. I could talk about this woman for days, because she did so many amazing things in her life. I guess that the quickest way that I can get across to you just how much she did, is by telling you about her column in the Australian Worker, which she remained editor of the Women’s page from 1908 right up until 1931. Through her column, Gilmore campaigned for many different social and economic reforms, such as the women’s vote, child endowment, the relief of the poor, old age and invalid pensions and the just treatment of Aborigines. Now moving onto to Margaret Scott. The basic background behind Scott, is that she migrated over to live in Tasmania, from Bristol in the UK.