1. Choose either the Point position or the Counterpoint position and explain your reasoning.
I agree much more with the counterpoint position more than the point position. While it would feel like a very progressive move to empower teams to manage themselves, and there would be benefits to doing so, it is very likely that a leader would emerge, which would in fact be another manager. Perhaps it would depend on the industry. In creative fields, this would flourish. However, where deadlines and customer issues are frequent, not having a centralized manager would cause difficulties in cross-functional settings.
2. Seek additional information from the Internet or other sources about …show more content…
According to Bergman, Rentsch, Small, Davenport, and Bergman, found that in virtual teams, “shared leadership was a more important predictor of team effectiveness than was traditional vertical leadership” (p. 18). In non-traditional virtual office environments, where team members do not interact face to face, I can non-centralized decision making can increase the efficiency of the group, especially when involving nonsynchronous communication. However, team cohesion must be strong and team members should be consistent. Any changes to the team, such as losing team members, would damper its effectiveness.
3. How does the additional information you found influence your original choice in position. Explain why you still feel strongly for the position chosen or whether you have a more enlightened understanding of the other position.
Managers do more than organize tasks for the team, they are also responsible for disseminating information from relevant sources, including upper management and other departments. I still feel that managers should be primarily responsible for steering the decisions of the team, and teams should stay focused on solving problems. This is an overall opinion and I can see how the benefit of shifting power to teams can benefit the organization as a whole if done on a periodic …show more content…
The market is still maturing, and they seem to be positioned well in this space. The primary factor that has contributed to Tewari’s success is that he is a risk taker and has established a vision of where he wants to take the company. His success is not without its difficulties. His first company went virtually bankrupt. However, he is a power influencer who is able to gain influence and adjust his approaches to meet the demands of the market, which continues to expand.
2. Look for other examples where individuals could seemingly do no wrong, and then suddenly find everything a challenge.
BlackBerry devices used to be a significant player in the smartphone space. I remember when BlackBerries were “the” business communication devices. The device had a full keyboard that made it easy to use and had a dedicated user base. However, it fell into a period of lack of innovation and complacency. With several new companies developing new, innovative products, BlackBerry failed to see the need to change and quickly started to lose market