In das’ book version of Beowulf, Grendel is made out to be this heartless monster who does nothing but going around and devouring men. And Beowulf is made out to be in comparison as something from God. In the book of Grendel’s point of view which is first person, they make it out to be he is as not as heartless as they thought he was. and they made it out to be that Beowulf and his compadres are the bad guys invading into his territory. The first story of Beowulf is in third person, and Grendel’s perspective story is first person. In which he reveals his thoughts and feelings and what he saw and how Beowulf and his compadres are the bad guys. …show more content…
As in the struggle between Beowulf and Grendel it only talks about really how good Beowulf was and only talks about the mistakes Grendel made. And they call Grendel: “horrible”, “vile” and many more things. And it praises Beowulf and how he is sent from God and yada yada yada. In Grendel’s point of view story, he talks about the invaders and overhears them with the coast