In this paper, Poka yoke as one of the effective quality design techniques experienced in manufacturing has been suggested and developed for service fail safing. For this purpose, the subjects of service failure and service recovery have been introduced. Then, service Poka yoke has been demonstrated and its solutions have been classified. This paper also has proposed a framework, by which the common and uncommon elements of service Poka yoke and Service recovery solutions have been classified and addressed schematically. In the new methodology, service recovery and service Poka yoke are assumed as post and pre solutions on service failure, respectively. The proposed framework seems very helpful for managers as an effective toolbox if they are about to fix problems both at the design and at the delivery stages of the service processes. Finally, some barriers and critical success factors of the application of Poka yoke in serices have been discussed.
Keywords: Service, Poka Yoke, Failure, Recovery solutions, Framework
1. Introduction
Service quality has become a key strategic variable in organizational efforts to both satisfy and retain present customers and also to attract new customers. However, some aspects of service, for example relating to employee actions and customer attitudes, are outside the control of managers. As a result, service failure is inevitable, sometimes mistakes will happen or things will go wrong, and so service recovery action is needed to deal with the mistake or problem and to restore customer satisfaction.(Lewis, 2001).
Much research has focused on how to improve a service provider 's service quality, and how to attract and maintain customers (particularly with the use of service recovery techniques). A major factor that affects a customer 's perception of a service provider’s quality is the number, and extent, of the problems they encounter, and how these problems are handled by the provider. As
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