Some of the earliest influences on physical education were that of the Roman and Greeks. The Greek culture had a major focus on physical education and their education was divided into two key elements. One was “gymnastics and the other was “music.” Gymnastics was what people consider today as a regular gym class where sports and games were played. Music was all of the other academic subjects. So they had a big emphasis on physical education. Greek boys were encouraged to become athletes and later on participate in Olympic Games.
The Romans were different from the Greeks in the sense that they really did not make up their own philosophies. Their empire was built through the wars that they won, and they would adopt the culture of those they conquered if it would benefit them. Military training had always been important to Roman citizens, which meant their education was pushed more toward the physical aspect rather than the mental. So things such as running, jumping, swimming, wrestling and boxing were all part of the Roman education system and were used for military preparation as well. There were also sporting events that the Roman Empire put on in honor of the