Did You know that there are over 300 Pokemon in the world of Pokemon, and that pokemon was first created in 1986?!?! Well here are things that you may not know about Pokemon. First, there are at least more than 2 legendary in every region,you can trade Pokemon,then there are trainers who train Pokemon to be SUPER powerful (or at least try to).
Who are Pokemon
Pokemon is kinda like animals mixed with monsters. Every Pokemon has a different type of element, there are more than 18 different elements right now in the series(poison,electric, rock, light,dark, water, fire, flying, dragon, bug, normal, ghost, ice, psychic, fighting, trash, bark, crystal, space,cute, crab, iron, magic). Pokemon usually start at their lowest evolution, and the more they get stronger the more they’re closer to evolving. Pokemon can only be discovered in certain places of the region, mostly they are in the place …show more content…
A trainer's goal is to win at least eight badges to get into the Pokemon League. After that, a trainer can fully evolve a Pokemon which makes it about 3x stronger. Or you can just go into places to catch every single Pokemon. To be a Pokemon Master then you have to win the Pokemon league. A normal amount of times a Pokemon evolves is about up to three times. So as you can see Pokemon trainers have a ton to do.
Badges are little pins which prove that you have beaten a really powerful gym leader. There are at least more than eight gyms or more in one region. The gym leaders Pokemon are really powerful, so that’s why they choose them to be a gym leader. Every badges have different shapes and sizes, because the gyms have different types of Pokemon or elements (you have more than one chance to defeat a gym leader).
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