Poland is the sixth-largest country in Europe. It is bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia in the west and south and by the former Soviet Union republics of Ukraine in the south, Belarus in the east, and Lithuania in the northeast. The northwest section of the country is located on the Baltic Sea. Named after the Polane, a Slavic tribe that lived more than a thousand years ago, Poland has beautiful countryside and rapidly growing cities. Rolling hills and rugged mountains rise in southern Poland.
There are approximately 38 million Poles, and GDP is around $527 billion. A shift to industry and services has made Poland attractive to MNCs. There are many facets that make Poland attractive, one of which is that the central location to other European countries provides MNCs with easy access to competitive markets nearby. A policy of economic liberalization, which Poland has been pursuing since 1990, has converted the country that had not been known for ranking high in business into a success story among transition economies.
Despite continuing problems, the Poles have made some progress in establishing a viable economy. The country has proven to be very attractive for U.S. investors. There are approximately 350 U.S. firms that have offices, factories, joint ventures, or subsidiaries on Polish ground. A basis for foreign cooperation is the broad consensus across political lines, which welcomes foreign direct investment. Many incentives to attract new firms that can bring capital, technology, and jobs to Poland are offered by the government.
To take advantage of this economic situation, a medium-sized Canadian manufacturing firm has begun thinking about renovating a plant near Warsaw and building small power tools for the expanding Central and Eastern European market. The company’s logic is fairly straightforward. There appears to be no competition in this niche, because there has been little demand for power tools in this area. As the