1-People – Target market
Polaroid digital-imaging products are targeted to mostly middle and upper income bracket consumers, mostly young adults regardless of age or cultural background that invest in these product for personal use. They are also geared to attract photojournalist, professional photographers and business such as; real estates and advertising agencies.
Digital-imaging products market exploded in 1994 and the demand was rapidly expanding to include various models of individual product. Some digital-imaging include, digital camera where photos can be stored on a hard disk and process and retrieve through computers and software, the film camera and scanner which comprise of a magnetic disk that is use to print photos from a computer. There is also the video camera and frame grabber that works with a compact flash, memory stick and magnetic diskette which allows photos to be transmitted via internet, in addition, this product has an optical disk to show images through projectors. However, the product that seemed to attract more attention and demand is the digital-camera also refers to as the filmless camera. Although Polaroid had begun investing in research and development in digital-imaging in the 80s, it wasn’t until early 1990s that their first product called Helios Medical Imaging entered the market but started fading by 1996 mainly due to poor marketing strategies. With new entrants by competitors, such as: Kodak and Fuji, Polaroid was forced to reinvent its marketing strategies to maintain its presents in the digital-imaging market.
Polaroid has always been successful in positioning its products in the market due to the following strategies:
• Continuous investment in Research and Development thereby maintaining awareness of new needs and behavior of its customers.
• Invest in recruiting professional staff whenever a new product is identified.
• Polaroid has been a household name for