People of color, namely blacks, are being killed by the police in ways that are unwarranted or otherwise not vocally motivated. The people who are supposed to keep the public safe, the people we count on to protect us and our families are taking lives simply because they “fear for their lives” or “feel threatened” by an innocent man or woman or child lying facedown on the concrete? And instead of deescalating a situation like they are supposed to do in situations where there is a weapon involved, they are blowing things way out of proportion then shoot to kill when there is “resistance”. But what seems to be widely not understood is that the people being targeted are not being non compliant they are exercising their basic rights by asking what they did and why they are being confronted so violently in as calm of a manor they can. So as a response people who were fed up with all the senseless violence created the BLM movement.
One reason the BLM movement isn't successful is because of rival movements like the “All Lives Matter” and the “Blue Lives Matter” movement, these movements take away from the overall message of BLM. These two pop up movements make BLM seem exclusive and anti police and that's not the significance of the movement at all, the real purpose of BLM is to bring awareness to the terrible things happening to people of