Joann Torres
University of Phoenix
In this paper I will discuss and describe how the historical development of policing in the United States relates to the current relationship between police and different ethnic groups and social classes. I will include in my discussion examples from law enforcement practices, and court procedures. In my paper I will briefly talk about civil rights movement and will include some example from the 1960’s, speak about policing in the 1960’s, and how much it has changed. I will also touch upon current news and the relationship between police officers now, and the relationship between different ethnic groups and the police. With this paper I hope to note some positive differences with the police and social classes as well.
Police have been an influence on our society since the 1920s. Riots and protests against racial injustices brought government attention to sources of racial discrimination and tension, including the police during the 1960s civil rights movement. During the era of the civil rights movements there were not many positive relationships with the African American Communities. Minorities were often underrepresented, and treated very unfairly because of gender, race and ethnic backgrounds. The police were forced to change once the pressure and the spotlight was put on law enforcement officers in the 1960s. The current relationship with police officers and society has not been the most positive. There have been quite a few cases that have put police in the spotlight, especially because it has been cases of law enforcement using too much force, being accused of racism against African Americans, using excessive or unnecessary force. In our present time that we live in it is very easy to take out your cellphone and start recording when you see a situation arise with police officers. Recently it seems as law enforcement is being accused more and
References: 1. Police: Community Policing - Origins And Evolution Of Community Policing. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2015, from 2. Shoichet, C. (2014, December 4). Justice Dept.: Cleveland police has pattern of excessive force - Retrieved February 23, 2015, from