He grew up his whole life near the criminal justice life and wanted to work for it eventually. He also wanted to change the world and make it into a better place. His favorite part of the job is changing someone’s life for the better. However, his least favorite part of his job, is when theirs a crime that he cannot solve and when people do not listen to him when he needs them too. The industry is changing; therefore it is getting harder to enforce the law towards society, which is making it harder for them to do their job.
Officer rose educational background is passing high school, having a 4 year degree in criminal justices. He also went to police academy for 6 months and went to special training to become a K-9 police officer. He also worked in SWAT a long time ago but prefer to be a K-9 officer because he loved his dog. He told me he was on the 48-hour show, and had to investigate a murder in the concord area. It was a woman whose head was cut