What both sides can agree on is that the police system needs reform. Whether the officers should be punished or not is a wholly different…
In the police force in the Ferguson area, there were “allegations involving use of force that raised questions” (50). Police officers rarely stay in the same department over their career. Therefore, there is almost no familiarity between the officers, and the community they are serving in. Most of the revenue of…
In the article, ``Police Brutality is Over-Sensationalized``, Auerback made plenty of logical arguments about the issue of police brutality. But, the statistics he showed was from the city of Chicago. For example the Rodney King case was the first major case tried in court. The Rodney King case was about an African American being pulled over for no apparent reason. Eventually the officer was acquitted of all charges. Why do police officers just feel that they are above the law? Are they above the law? Despite Auerback showing many valid points…
One of the biggest contributors to the Rodney King incident was an attitude had by a large number of LAPD officers, “who repetitively used excessive force against the public and persistently ignored the written guidelines of the Department regarding force” (Cronkhite, 2013, p. 94). This attitude, also seen as us against them, was ignored by administrators for many years and was the cause of several lawsuits. These officers knew they did not have much to worry about becauseit was very hard department wide to make a complaint and there was no open system with a civilian oversight committee (Cronkhite, 2013). The socio-economic conditions did not help with the above attitude as the area was crime ridden with mostly African-American residents…
During arrests, during searches, and while they pass laws that aren't just. There have been many incidents of violent behavior towards citizens and even deaths due due police brutality during an arrest. On October 24th, 2004, Frank Jude was viciously beaten after leaving a party. As he proceeded to leave the party, two off duty officers accused him of stealing one of their wallets. Jude was repeatedly punched and kicked all over his head and body. He was also stabbed in both ears with pens and even an on duty officer began stomping on his head, leaving him unconscious and in really bad condition. When police arrived, he was not helped, but on the contrary, he was put in handcuffs and was asked questions at the scene instead of calling an ambulance to tend to his wounds. Later, he was escorted in a police vehicle to a hospital where he refused to speak until the police left. Even though these were off duty officers, they still demonstrated abuse of power because no has the right to beat and threaten another person because they are suspicious of something and they don't even have proof to back up their statements. Even the officer that was on duty, decided to beat up Jude instead of coming to his aid. When police arrived, they also decided to handcuff him instead of calling an ambulance to help him out. Police officers now believe that the authority given to them by the fact that they are police…
Police officers are vital in our everyday lives because they’re known and serve as reliable forces that aid in protecting our rights and ultimately, our lives. Law enforcement, and police officers in particular, have secured a lot of media coverage recently because there have been multiple cases where through excessive force, police have fatally shot and killed civilians. While it may be known for police to do this if it is necessary and for their own safety, some specific stories have been globally exerted because of the unlawful reason behind the killing and verdict of the police officers at fault. In a book assessing criminal justice, Robert E. Worden believes that on a theoretical standpoint, there are situational factors that are the cues…
As of late more and more attention has been directed towards some unsavory police actions towards the black community. This is in direct relation to A Lesson before Dying. In A Lesson before Dying Jefferson, an uneducated black male is prosecuted for a crime he did not commit and thrown into jail for it. He receives a death sentence and loses all self-worth. In relation to current police brutality incidents some officers have been unjustly killing black citizens and not being sent to jail but instead on paid leave. Many never get convicted of their crimes, even with video evidence, but that only fuels protestors. This has led to a heavy divide between citizens and their police, similar to…
With times changing and individuals obtaining more powerful mobile, almost every move a person makes can be recorded or looked back on in some sort of way. With this great power, comes great scrutiny for not only everyday individuals, but for the individuals that protect us day in and day out. Law enforcement has suffered more scrutiny, and has obtained a substantial amount of media coverage over the past few years. This coverage has not been positive, and often highlights the mistakes, and aggressive actions taken by the officers of the law. With the framing of police officers changing from being outstanding citizens who uphold the law, to vicious animals who abuse their power, one begins to question the reasoning for all the brutality.…
Cops are supposed to keep us safe, maintain order, and preserve the peace. However, this has not been the case for years. On the news, practically every day we hear of police brutality. We hear the cries of the family lamenting their loss, whether be it a man woman or child. Yet while this loss of life takes place, the murderer’s judgement is not always favorable. Will the brutal officer be punished? Was Darren Wilson charged for killing Michael Brown, an unarmed man? No! Justice was not served! Justice did not take place! A man responsible for pulling the trigger on an unarmed man, shooting his body six times, with bullets piercing his skin all over until it was devoid life. Brown may have been a criminal, his last moments should not have been ugly, so painful, so sad. We observe…
Police officers who participated in using excessive force, many times did not face any consequences, and when they did, their charges were very minimal. In his article titled, “Must We Live With Police Brutality,” David Jones uses insight from the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee, Sheldon Leffler. Leffler states, that “’the department has perpetuated a police culture in which officers may be emboldened to conduct themselves in a manner that runs contrary to ... the law.’” (Jones 9). Police officers are supposed to be trusted authority figures that help protect people and enforce laws, instead of hurting people and acting as if they are above the law. Police officers, however, were not the ones who were protecting themselves from the consequences. It was those who oversaw the police departments and the local government who over protected these police officers. In the case mentioned above of the Haitian immigrant who fell victim of police brutality, the mayor of New York City, at the time, as well as the police commissioner turned a blind eye to how often police were using excessive force and unneeded brutality. Jones continues to explain how higher ups in the government and police force seemed to encourage officers to release anger and hate onto people who break the law (Jones 9). This attitude gives the idea that using force and viciousness is necessary to keep crime rates down, which is not…
was falsely viewed by the public, in other words the public was not getting the full story. Now a…
According to statistics, “no more than 51 officers out of a sworn force of 1,500 were disciplined in any fashion in connection with a use of force incident over a three and a half year period.” - Saloncom RSS. To focus on discipline is predominately punishment, not behavior change. In that case, police officers will still act the way they do towards people of our country because it is not guaranteed that the predominately punishment will change their behavior. I believe that when police officers abuse their authority, they should be terminated, not disciplined. Why? Because most officers get resentful when disciplined and a majority of time after being disciplined, there is still no change. I once had to interview an officer for a high school project and one of the things that officers that often complain about when they are being disciplined is the way it is done. “I was not treated with respect” said the police officer. It wasn’t long until the officer’s humiliation turned into anger and then indignation. An irritated, resentful officer is not good for the…
Law enforcement officers that are taken to court for committing a murder is less than one percent. Forty three percent of police officers say that always following the rules is not going to get the job done (Copcrisis). Another fifty two percent say they would turn a blind eye to another police officers misconduct (Copcrisis). If the police officers are taking up for their peers when they will do what is right. The very people who are sworn into protecting the common people are saying they would turn a…
The relationship between our criminal justice system and the police begin with the government. The government, not the police make the laws. Then we hire the police to go out and enforce these laws and every day the police are out in our violent society serving and protecting us. After the government comes up with the laws and rules of our society we turn these laws over to the police to do our dirty work. When the government has the different laws in place they rely on the police to go and fight the war on crime. This relationship between our government and the police uses the police as the scapegoat. This relationship is left up to the police to take care of and nurture from going out in the community and enforcing our values and laws, not their own. Usually when there are mistakes in the courts it’s usually not the police that cause these mistakes it’s the prosecuting attorneys and the defense attorneys. According to Katz (1997), Justice Louis Brandeis states, “If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.”…
People like Keith Childress, Bettie Jones, Kevin Matthews, Leroy Browning, Roy Nelson, Tiara Thomas, and about 95 others lost their lives in 2015 to police brutality. What many don’t know about these individuals is that all of them were unarmed. Statistics show that police killed at least 102 unarmed black people in 2015, nearly two each week(http://mappingpoliceviolence.org/unarmed/). Only 10 of the 102 cases in 2015 where an unarmed black person was killed by police resulted in officer(s) being charged with a crime, and only 1 of these deaths (Matthew Ajibade) resulted in convictions of the officers involved. Only one of the two officers convicted received jail time. To add more fuel to the fire, the officer only has to serve his sentence exclusively on the weekends. This officer received freedom, while his victim can no longer breathe which supports how the racial discrimination has an immense influence on racial policing…