Summary of policies and procedures:
Child Protection Policy.
This policy states that as staff they are bound to inter- agency procedures which requires the school to act on any concerns which they feel need to be raised. These concerns vary from: * Injury which may be non- accidental. * Things which children say which may arouse suspicion. * Suspicion that a child may be at risk of physical abuse. * Emotional abuse. * Sexual abuse. * Neglect.
Staff are designated a senior teacher who is responsible for Child Protection concerns or referrals. The staff are aware of all signs of abuse, have a responsibility regarding appropriate practise and are trained where necessary. Good practise is ensured by appropriate and caring relationships between staff and pupils. Children need to be made to feel confident that their worries and concerns will be taken seriously and the staff will be given advice on how to handle disclosure appropriately.
Anti- bullying policy.
The policy states that we believe strongly that an effective Anti-Bullying policy can have a positive effect on achieving the Pastoral Aims of the school. We remind all the children of the definition of bullying each year during our “ Anti Bullying Week”. We actively do the following to prevent bullying; * Teach strategies to prevent bullying. * Work with children who we believe have been involved in bullying situations this is addressed during assemblies, circle time, PHSE, health week and anti- bullying week. * The school is committed to continuing action to reduce bullying.
Teaching and Learning.
This policy states that children are the centre of the schools vision. Our community will aspire to work together to enable everyone to achieve their greatest potential. The schools believes that providing opportunities for all to become confident, caring, self- motivated life- long learners. This policy is central to the school as a purpose for a