I. Evaluation Observation A. Definitions 1. Authorize: Give official permission for or approval to 2. Organized: Functioning within a formal structure, as in the coordination and direction of activities. 3. Casinos: A public room or building where gambling games are played. B. Policy: Utilitarianism: It is more beneficial to have Organized Casinos In the state of NY. It makes more sense that the tourism rate NY has and the residents of the state should have a local casino within the state rather than going to the state next door.
Background: Currently The State of NY is in bad shape. State workers & teachers have been released due to cutting back. Currently ONE TRILLION DOLLAR deficit. Approaching 7.7% unemployment. One of the main reason our state is in bad condition is due to lack of tax revenue. The tax revenue must increase, if it stays like this any longer the state government could collapse as we know it. With that in mind we have prepared a plan.
-HARMS: The state of NY should built & operate casinos. New York is a very
Attractive destination for tourists and we have (19,570,261) citizens in the state. It makes no sense that our tourist, & residents go over to the state next door for gambling. Economically it makes more sense have the casino in the state of NY so all of the business (hotels, gas stations, restaurants, & entertainment facilities) should thrive upon. Casino will also offer luxurious hotels, sporting venues, department stores for everyone to enjoy in addition. Also with an organized casinos many jobs will be created within the state from managers, chefs, entertainers, & security guards. Last but not least the casinos bring huge wealth into the state as gambling laws often require steep taxes from their operators. These taxes can then be used to provide much needed services to the communities they belong.