HCS/455 – Health Care Policy: The Past and the Future
August 22, 2011
Laura Connolly
Policy Issues Outline
I. Medicaid was first created and developed to provide health care services for individuals with low income and limited resources. The government developed funds that would match State funds with Federal funds in order to serve the ill, the elderly and children. Team "B" will construct an outline of Medicaid and its development during the stages of policy making and what it takes to produce such a policy. Every American citizen will be affected by both the past and future policies implemented in the attempts to save Medicaid. (www.kff.org/medicaid) II. Medicaid Overview …show more content…
All topics were addressed in sufficient depth for|
|are covered in a substantive way. | |an outline. Remember, on the final PPT, I will be looking for detailed |
| | |speaker notes! |
|The content is comprehensive, |10/9 |See comment on who funds Medicaid; it is not entirely the federal |
|accurate, and/or persuasive. | |government. You got it right earlier in the outline. |
|The paper develops a central theme |10/10 |Central theme present throughout the outline. |
|or idea, directed toward the | | |
|appropriate audience. | |