Political and Economic Developments in the Catch-Up Nations
Introduction Economic development of nations. When policymakers and community members work
together to promote the economic health of a country, efforts toward economic development of
that region or nation are said to have occurred. The umbrella of economic development covers a
wide range of concerns and initiatives, such as critical infrastructure, human capital, human
services considerations (health, safety, and literacy), competitiveness, environmental sustainability.
Economic growth, on the other hand, refers to the outcomes of market productivity—such as a
rising Gross Domestic Product (GDP), per capita income, and foreign trade—as well as attainment
of standards of living equivalent to that of industrialized nations. Economic growth can be
considered a component of economic development, the larger of which includes the policies and
process through with a country works to improve the wellbeing of its citizens, whether through
economic, political, or social means. (Anand & Sen, 2000) The origins of the concept of
economic development are associated with the rise of capitalism. (O'Sullivan & Sheffrin, 2003)
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