Corruption is an illegal practice that affects public and private sectors of all the nations; it has been defined as one of the most important obstacles to democracy and to the sustainable economic growth in a country. The word corruption comes from the Latin corruptio, that means alteration or seduction; but also of corrupte, that means in vicious form. According to the Transparency International Organisation (TI) corruption is “the bad use of the power entrusted to obtain private benefits”. This includes not only a financial profit but also not financial advantages, for example, favouritism. Moreover, The Convention of United Nations, against Corruption in force from 2005 and considered as the first global juridical instrument against corruption, chooses a descriptive approach that includes diverse forms of corruption and admits the possibility that others forms could arise. In Argentina the corruption is present in all the aspect of the society. Firstly, corruption is present in each one of three powers of the State (executive, legislative and judicial). Secondly, it is also a social problem, since the cases of corruption detected in the Public administration, generally, are associated with individuals intervention that benefit with this type of manoeuvres, like bribes, increases in price, fictitious business, embezzlement, departments, bribery, etc. In addition, corruption is present in the daily life of Argentineans citizens; bribery is a usual practice to avoid a traffic penalty or get medical preferences. Concluding, highest levels of corruption represent a serious problem for a country and therefore the issue of this essay will be try to find solutions that can solve or at least reduce the corruption in Argentine, to reach this purpose it will be necessary
Corruption is an illegal practice that affects public and private sectors of all the nations; it has been defined as one of the most important obstacles to democracy and to the sustainable economic growth in a country. The word corruption comes from the Latin corruptio, that means alteration or seduction; but also of corrupte, that means in vicious form. According to the Transparency International Organisation (TI) corruption is “the bad use of the power entrusted to obtain private benefits”. This includes not only a financial profit but also not financial advantages, for example, favouritism. Moreover, The Convention of United Nations, against Corruption in force from 2005 and considered as the first global juridical instrument against corruption, chooses a descriptive approach that includes diverse forms of corruption and admits the possibility that others forms could arise. In Argentina the corruption is present in all the aspect of the society. Firstly, corruption is present in each one of three powers of the State (executive, legislative and judicial). Secondly, it is also a social problem, since the cases of corruption detected in the Public administration, generally, are associated with individuals intervention that benefit with this type of manoeuvres, like bribes, increases in price, fictitious business, embezzlement, departments, bribery, etc. In addition, corruption is present in the daily life of Argentineans citizens; bribery is a usual practice to avoid a traffic penalty or get medical preferences. Concluding, highest levels of corruption represent a serious problem for a country and therefore the issue of this essay will be try to find solutions that can solve or at least reduce the corruption in Argentine, to reach this purpose it will be necessary