Before doing some researches on this paper, there are some assumptions. The first assumption is that there is social stratification in the society. According to Chris
Barker, it is a classification of groups based on shared socio-economic conditions.1
Based on the social stratification, there are various kinds of political parties started up in order to safeguard the interests of different levels. One of the applications is the formulation of the Legislative Council (LegCo). Another assumption is that the major development in Hong Kong is the economic development. Hong Kong is reputed to be a worldwide international financial centre and ranked the first in the world of being the freest economy. So, Hong Kong relies much on the economic development. In addition, the party system in Hong Kong is multiparty that considered as a coalition government.2 What is political party?
The political party is made up of a group of people who share the same political ideologies and objectives. The main purpose of setting up a political party is to gain the political power in a legal way. Different political parties that posited in the political ideologies of the left, right and the centre that seeking power through the district council election or the legislative council elections.3 There are lots of political ideologies and objectives to be achieved in the society, so different sort of political parties were formed up.
Barker, Chris, Cultural studies: theory and practice, London: Sage, 2008.
Heywood, Andrew, Politics, Third ed., New york: Palgrave macmillan, 2007
Heywood, Andrew, Politics, Third ed., New york: Palgrave macmillan, 2007
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