- we could live in the state of nature, we don’t need contract or soverign
- life, liberty and property
State of nature: men live according to reason and governed by reason
- man exists in the state of nature in perfect freedom to do as they want, a state of perfect freedom
- not necessarily good or bad, bit is calm and peaceful
- men give up some of their freedom to secure the advantages of civilized socity
- men have the right to protect their freedom (killing if necessary)
- bound by the laws of nature
- contrast with hobbes: everyone has the right over everything, there exist no private property
- Liberty to do as he will, but not harm others
Purpose of government:
- to secure the natural rights of property rights and liberty
- we need law enforcers (soverign), we give power to one person and in doing so this creates a government
Private Property:
- one established once you mix your labor with good
- most important because we must create a state because of the scarcity of resource (prisoners dilemma) and the innovation of money
- mandatory to own property while living in commonwealth, can mix labour with other peoples resource (compensated)
- ensures the government represents the people
- safeguard against oppression
- disapproval of absolute monarchies; they are arbitary and represent interest of one
- governement must always be for the people
1. government must be desgined to protect the people from the gov
2. natural rights must be secured
- mans main drive is self preservation, but thinks that hobbes and locke overestimated the likelihood of the state of war
- men are inherintely good
State of Nature:
- gives life to general will, so all can live well