SEPT. 4, 2014,
The Race Gap in America’s Police Departments
By Jeremy Ashkenas and Haeyoun Park.
This story was based on how many police departments had high percentages of white working individuals. This is stated in the beginning of the article, “In hundreds of police departments across the country, the percentage of whites on the force is more than 30 percentage points higher than in the communities they serve, according to an analysis of a government survey of police departments.” It then explains and gives evidence proving that in fact most of the population in said work force is in fact white. They had graphs proving this statement, which is now a fact. All I saw was white police overpowering the other races. This was upsetting, especially since there were population in said areas lacked white ethnicity. I also read the notes and it said they surveyed police departments with 100 or more police officers United States. Those with percentage whose race or ethnicity was unknown was greater than 10 percent, as well as department with fewer than 10 officers, were excluded from the survey.
New York Times
SEPT. 3, 2014,
Texas Abortion Clinic to Reopen After Ruling
By Erik Eckholmsept.
“An abortion clinic in McAllen, Tx., which was the last provider of abortions in the vast Rio Grande Valley was forced to stop last fall, but will start operating again by this weekend,” Is what was stated in the article. It is not yet clear for how long it would be operational. The Texas officials and United States Court will check to see if any district court ignored important parts of the abortion law, which was adopted by Texas last year. Judge Yeakel, a former member of the United States District Court made a ruling that stopped 19 abortion clinics from closing, but the judge took back a ruling so that 20 clinics across Texas would close. He then states that these rules would not be applied to abortion clinics in McAllen and El Paso, so that women in