There has been endless discussions on political nature of work life but very little has been talked and explored about the politics itself. The strong capabilities of politics can neither be ignored and nor can be denied. And such greatly impactful things can’t have only one direction to it. They have to benefit and create loss both at the same time. But given a fact that there exist some factors that can directly or indirectly influences politics into a favorable or positive dynamic for organizational growth.
FOCUS: This paper revolves around a very deep-rooted aspect of International Organization called “politics”. Here we would also be analyzing closely and critically both the shades (positive and negative) of politics along with reasons and support and pros and cons of both the shades.
With globalization taking its move into 21st century the pace of everything around has fastened to a speed that can’t be matched until we are ready to accept and implement changes. Organizations are facing continuous and rapid changes both in hard (technology advancements on every step) and soft (behavioral changes amongst work force) form. The national barriers have been broken due to globalization and it has resulted in cutthroat competition amongst the organizations and a race amongst the managers to prove their worth and create a safe space for them in this ever-changing business world. And this whole game of running ahead creates a sense of insecurity amongst the people and organizations involved. This insecurity results in a approach which is beyond performance (as there are practical examples seen where performance of an employee is threat to his manager and results in employee being the prey for managers politics) and that approach of safe guarding our space give birth to “POLITICS” in organizations. Politics in organizations is inevitable. ‘‘Organizational politics have emerged in the last decade as a