Because the demand for leisure activity such as reading, watching films, etc. was skyrocketing at this time in European culture, the exposure to this book was extremely widespread, and people 's eyes were opened to a whole new side of the war. Those on the home front were not directly exposed to the fighting of World War I and its brutality, so their only impression of it came from what they were told. Until writers, artists, and others that had been involved in the fighting began to share the reality of their experiences, Europeans received only the romanticized version of the war from their leaders and others who benefited from this one sided version of the story being told. In turn, while people all over the world flocked to stores to buy this book, it had many Europeans in an uproar about the way they were portrayed. All Quiet on the Western Front indeed carried many political implications that may or may not have been intended by Remarque.
A recurring theme throughout the book is the danger and even hypocrisy often caused by blind nationalism. It was particularly