The two images I chose for the analysis paper are Martini, Simone and Lippo Memmi, Annunciation with Saints Ansanus and Margherita (1333) and Brunelleschi, Filippo, Dome of Florence Cathedral (1420-36). The reason I chose these are because they relate to the Catholic religion in different ways. The Annunciation with Saints Ansanus and Margherita was the beginning of the Catholic art during the Gothic time period while the Dome of Florence Cathedral was not only a masterpiece of artwork it was also a breakthrough for the construction during that time and for the rest of history.…
| They dominated Florence during the 15th century and were interested in industry, trade, and banking. The first was Giovanni di Bicci de’Medici (1360-1429), and the most famous was Lorenzo the Magnificent (1449-1492), the great grandson of Giovanni. Medici power fell after Savonarola (1452-1498), a Franciscan friar, gained power, and therefore, Florence was never the same.…
12) Cisimo de'Medici: Member of the powerful Italian Medici family, ruled Florence "behind the scence"…
Florence's wealth and success, guided by rich patrons like the Medici and the artists they supported, became a new model for society in Europe…
The death of Alexander the Great inspired the beginning of the Hellenistic era of the fourth century. The characteristics of this period marked a separation and divide from earlier Greek’s works. Hellenistic artist’s begun expressing their sculptures with such high degree of naturalism contrasting with the earlier religious sculptures that used the idea of realism. Another essential idea that Hellenistic artists used to convey their message on sculptures was the use of emotion, drama, lighting and dynamics poses. The foundation of the Hellenistic era supported many of the works created during the Italian Renaissance. Many of the sculptures created during the Italian Renaissance comprised of religious beings such as Mary or JesuThis paper will…
[ 5 ]. Lorenzo de’ Medici. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 09 Dec. 2008:…
Prior to the Renaissance, the subject of most paintings and art was religion, focusing on portraying christian thoughts, values and symbolism. They were often painted to remind one of the importance of god and holding thoughts to him. Paintings prior to the renaissance were often out of proportion and did not look realistic.…
Medici would help the less fortunate in town like peasants because they had so little and if more people like you as a leader than you will be more successful in gaining respect which is important at this time (Cosimo de’ Medici, The Gale group). Much of his patronage was for churches and monasteries, and in 1436 he initiated the rebuilding of the Dominican monastery of San Marco, whose sole patron he remained until his death (Cosimo de’ Medici). His trade was the “deposit” of Florence. Which means that Medici was the center of trade and people would rely on him (Cosimo de’ Medici, The Gale group). Cosimo de Medici knew that good fortune would come to him if he did good deeds. This demonstrates that Cosimo de Medici knew how to navigate through the Renaissance and successfully become the ruler of Florence in 1434 to succeed in trading and the banking industry (Cosimo de’…
A demigod by definition is neither a god nor a man rather they exist somewhere between the two strict realms. Unlike some heroes throughout ancient myths and histories, Hercules was born mortal yet became immortal. Born of a human but created from a god, Hercules is the epitome of obscurity. Throughout his life, the contrasts of god and human make him strong yet weak. As a man he can be controlled and enslaved by both humans and gods (Loraux 131). Yet, his god-like aptitude of extreme strength and immunity to suffering (in that he does not give in to it) Hercules thrives until he is granted immortality through resurrection (Lopez-Ruiz 273). Even within Greek art, there is some confusion about the nature of Hercules: god or man or somewhere…
Heracles is the greatest of the Greek heroes for his courage, strength, and skill to fight against the evil. Although Hercules himself committed one of the most evil deeds by killing his own wife and children, Goddess Hera made him pay for his deeds. Goddess Hera led Hercules sentence to twelve years of penance – a period of hard labor. Unlike the punishment a criminal would get today of either imprisonment or execution, Heracles had to endure the imaginable suffering of the twelve impossible tasks even after regaining his senses. His first labor was to battle a Nemean lion and bring in the skin of the lion. The lion was so huge that his strength and powerful bows were dull compared. He, nonetheless, did not lose his strength and fought the…
Florence in 15th century contributed immensely to the world in every aspect. It is unimaginable to think of world history, particularly facets such as art, literature, architecture, politics, economics and science without acknowledging and praising renaissance Florence for leaving an indelible mark on not only Italy but also the rest of the world. The chosen period is one of the most prominent in the history of Florence in terms of politics, art and economics of the region. 1450 onwards Florence saw the rule of the Medici family, who were de facto rulers due to their patronage to the pope as well as renaissance artists, despite the establishment of a republic. During the rule of Medici, the region was relatively integrated, because the Medici…
The Italian Renaissance was a time of great cultural change, and a time in which great artists rose. These artists then created works that are still talked about, analyzed, and used as inspiration to this day. One particular artist created a work that is currently on display at the Louvre in France, and that artist is Paolo Veronese. Paolo created a work which was named Wedding at Cana, which depicted the banquet where Jesus turned water to wine. Created in 1563 Italy, this work was one of the great ones that came from the Renaissance period.…
Thesis Statement- The Medici family in Florence Italy were very rich, the Medici included several notable members: Lorenzo de Medici, Giovanni de Medici, Cosimo de Medici. And also some important women.…
Both artists were working on commissions from the church; consequently they both had religious subject matters. However, where Michelangelo painted religious figures, referencing characters from Greek and Roman mythology, Caravaggio drew people from reality. From criminals and prostitutes to the poor, Caravaggio’s works were confronting, people were not used to locals used as divine figures, and therefore there was “no reference to divine beauty”.…
One of paintings that precisely illustrates Pollaiuolo’s characteristics would be “Hercules and the Hydra,” which was produced in 1475. Again, this painting shows that Hercules fighting another invincible creature; it is Hydra this time. Hydra is a snake-like monster that has multiple heads. It has deadly poison, and those multiple heads can regenerate once it gets slayed off. This is the scene that Hercules is cutting off Hydra’s multiple heads while Iolaus (Hercules’ nephew) using a firebrand to prevent Hydra’s regeneration. It is the one of the Twelve Labor of Hercules, which is the series of stories that Hercules went through for his penance. Twelve Labor includes The Nemean Lion, The Hid of Ceryneia, The Erymanthean Boar, The Augean Stables, and so on. Same as “Hercules and Antaeus,” he accurately draws Hercules body and muscle movement. However, when it comes to paintings, Pollaiuolo is one of the pioneers that influenced in landscape. This influence succeeded to artists like Botticelli. The use of shady colors of blue and green creates the mystical theme, which makes the painting more…