Genetic diversity provides a species with its form and function. A species genotype refers to their genetic code; what their cells are going to be used for – hair cell, eye cell, muscle cell, etc. A species phonotype refers to the way in which that species gene will be expressed – blonde hair, blue eyes, large muscle tone; which significantly impacts the success of that individuals genes. Without genetic diversity among populations the gene pools would be very limited, which gives way to a rise in mutations and inevitably the end of a species. “Genes regulate body size, shape, physiological processes, behavioral traits, reproductive characteristics, tolerance of environmental extremes, dispersal and colonizing ability, the timing of seasonal and annual cycles (phenology), disease resistance, and many other traits…to ignore genetic variation is to ignore one of the fundamental forces that shape the biology of living organisms” (Falk, D., Knapp, E., & Guerrant, E., 2001). Genetic diversity also affords different organisms to change with the ever-changing environment around them. Environmental variation, over time, is known as natural or historic range variation. This can include: variation in population sizes of species due to natural predators and disease, changes in weather, changes in the availability of resources etc. Since the environment is always changing is allows populations to be genetically diverse. If species X were to live in a ‘perfect’ environment, there would be very little genetic diversity and biotic integrity – everything would remain status quo. We would not see species evolving or changing for any reason as there would be no need. Species all over the world are adaptable and change with their habitat – evolving tolerances to changes in the soil and weather and changing to continually be…