
Polycarp's Influence On Irenaeus '

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Polycarp's Influence On Irenaeus '
Irenaeus (c. 130 - 202) [Asia Minor, Rome, Lyons]. Irenaeus was very much influenced and inspired by Polycarp's preaching. He became Bishop of Lyons, and one of the leading Fathers of the Greco - French church in southern France. He was himself an influential preacher, and his writings give valuable information concerning doctrine. He expounded the beliefs of several sects, especially those of the Valeatinean Gnostics, (who interpreted the universe in terms of wisdom embodied in a system of aeons), but opposed Gnosticism as such. He attempted to reconcile dissident sects with the Church of Rome in behalf of the Montanists, (a group which resisted the tendency of the Church to merge its spiritual functions with those of the temporal and …show more content…
200) [Aphrodisias, Athens]. Since he was an outstanding commentator on the works of Aristotle, especially on Metaphysics, it's not surprising to learn that he was head of the Lyceum, in his day. As a consequence, he was called "Exegete" or "Expounder." His works had great influence on later interpreters; they were translated into Latin and most of them have been preserved. He also wrote treatises of his own: especially On Fate, against the Stoic doctrine of necessity; and On the Soul, against immortality of the entire soul, identifying the active intellect with God. He attempted to restore the doctrines of Aristotle to their original form, free from the accretions of the Neo - …show more content…
Origen succeeded Clement as head of the Catechetical School, he was one of Clements most brilliant pupils. He studied Plato and the Stoics and worked under the Neo - Platonists and he became acquainted with the Hebrew writings. His greatest activity was in the textual criticisms of the Scriptures, he published a Hexapla of the Old Testament (an edition with six versions in parallel columns). He also wrote many commentaries. One of his works, Against Celus is a significant presentation of his views on Gnosticism. Another Fundamental Doctrines undertakes to systematise the beliefs of the Church. Origen advocated the attainment of peace and superiority to all travails through contemplation and self - knowledge. In his interpretations of the scriptures he emphasised the ideas involved rather than the historical details. He place great emphasis on the Logos doctrine in interpreting the personality of Jesus as the Christ. Various points in his teachings came into disfavour with the Church later on, and his influence and high position, waned as a result.

Sabellius (fl. 220) [Libia, Rome]. The leader of the Modalists, * in his day. This group believed in the unity of God, regarding the three persons of the trinity as three aspects of the same being which manifest themselves successively as Creator, Redeemer, and Life Giver. The doctrine implied patripassionism, i.e: that the Father suffered crucifixion through his identity

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