The topic I chose to research was Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Polycystic is a health problem that can affect a women’s menstrual cycle, childbearing, hormones, and other bodily functions. Women with this disorder typically have higher levels of androgens in their bodies. [ (DePaolo, 2007) ] In this paper I will first do an overview of the female reproductive system, briefly discus the menstrual and ovarian cycle and finally discuss Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Overview of Female Reproductive System
The female reproductive system is a very complex system as compared to the male reproductive system. This system is solely responsible for menstrual flow, sexual intercourse, and childbirth. What makes the female reproductive anatomy different is that its major parts are internal and that it develops from the paramesonephric duct due to the absence of testosterone and millerianmesonephric duct that degenerates while the labria minora and labioscratal folds from the labria majora. The paramesonephric duct develops into the uterine tubes uterus and vagina with millerianmesonephric duct. [ (Saladin, 2007) ]
The primary sex organs for the female is the ovaries which are also know as female gonads. The ovaries are responsible for producing egg cells and sex hormones. With their almond-shape they nestle into the ovarian fossa which is a depression in the dorsal pelvic wall. The ovaries are divided into an outer cortex where germ cells develop and central medulla which is occupied by major arteries and veins. Within the ovaries each egg develops its own fluid-filled bubble like follicle and is released by ovulation. Several connective tissue ligaments hold the ovaries in place. The ovarian ligament and its lateral pole are attached to pelvic wall by the suspensory ligament. The anterior portion of the ovary is anchored by a portioned fold called the mesorarium which extend to a sheet of peritoneum the broad ligament which flanks the uterus and encloses the
Cited: Alpert, I. L. (2007, May). Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Retrieved April 9, 2009, from Teen Health: & artcle DePaolo, L. V. (2007). PCOS Frequently Asked Questions. U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women 's Health. Newson, L. (2008). "Polycystic ovary syndrome. GP: General Practitioner , 38-39. Polycystic Ovarian Disease Institute for Reproductive Health. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2009, from Institute for Reproductive Health: Saladin. (2007). In Anatomy & Physilogy 4th Edition (pp. 1067-1073;1077,1079-1085,100-1101). New York: The McGraw-Hill.