for hospitalization last Friday.
She was evaluated by Dr. Wu and Dr. Landvater, they did not think that given her overall condition that she would be a candidate for TAVR intervention as well. They were proposing a balloon valvuloplasty; however, Esther vetoed against any intervention, desired hospice intervention to return to Mayview for comfort measures only. When I saw her this afternoon she looked in her usual state resting in bed, awake and alert. Mentally oriented and appropriate. She has no overt heart failure. No neck vein distention. She has a high-pitched systolic murmur, but no peripheral edema. Her pulse ox is 92% on room air with a heart rate in the mid 80s. Hospice has seen the patient and admitted her to hospice services. She is on minimal medications now and there is no need for cardiac medications. I have assured the family that we will keep Esther comfortable both mentally and
physically while she is here.