Polypharmacy 3B
1. List as many concerns about this list of drugs in this patient as you can.
Mr. Rog is taking too much fish oil. This is not water soluble and can become toxic. Fish oil and omega3 fatty acid capsule is the same and he needs to take just one of them. Too much intake of omega fatty can result in bleeding and hyperglycemia.
Vitmine E has no dosage there should be a recommended dosage as this can also build up to a toxic level. This person may have cognitive deficit therefore information must be specific. This is a powerful anti-oxidant use for many different reasons. Vitamin E might make bleeding disorders worse. He has a diagnosis of GI bleed; this can prove to be a problem.
Stelazine 2 mg @ night, this drug is used inpatient with mental disorder specifically schizophrenia, manic depression nonpsychotic anxiety. The side effects of this drug can be the result for the patient’s functional lost, neuromuscular – extrapyramidal reaction, muscle weakness vision loss fatigue and drowsiness.
Percocet This patient needs a dosage and a frequency strong possibility of over dosing. He is on three different drugs that contain Tylenol. He is at risk for liver damage. Also Darvocet and any drug containing propoxyphene is forbidden to be used in the USA.
Propranolol is used for patients with high blood pressure. It is also used to treat chest pain related to coronary artery disease. Propranolol is useful in slowing and regulating a person’s heart rate Propranolol is to slow down rapid heart rate and tremor. For someone with hx of CAD 10 mg is way too low a dosage. The regular dosage for CAD is 10-30 mg 3-4 daily or the usual dose using long acting formulations is 80-160 mg daily. (WebMD). This drug may interact with metoprolol and digoxin since thy all lower heart rate..
Aspirin this client is on 81 mg, it is an anticoagulant, this patient was recently in the hospital for bleeding, and taking ASA puts him at risk for more GI bleed.
References: Med TV Side effects of Omega3 fatty acid. Retrieved September 2012 http://stroke.emedtv.com/omega-3-fatty-acids/side-effects-of-omega-3-fatty-acids.html Prilosec side effects retrieved September 2012 from Drug.com http://www.drugs.com/sfx/prilosec-side-effects.html Propanalol . Retrieved Sept 2012 from Medicinenet.com http://www.medicinenet.com/propranolol/article.htm Tabloski, P.A. (2010). Gerentological nursing (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Vitamin E Retrieved from WebMD http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-954-VITAMIN%20E.aspx?activeIngredientId=954&activeIngredientName=VITAMIN%20E Vitamins Retrieved Sept2012 evitamin.com http://www.evitamins.com/encyclopedia/assets/nutritional-supplement/vitamin-b-complex/~default