Speech Purpose: To inform
Thesis: Polyphasic sleep can benefit you in your everyday life, but can also come with a price.
1) Polyphasic sleep can benefit your individual daily goals to an extent.
a) By sleeping only an average of 2-3 hours a day using the Uberman sleep cycle, you can increase your productivity on a day-to-day basis.
i) In theory, you can save 5-6 hours a day by taking six 20-30 minute naps every four hours and still feel as alert and rested as you would with a normal night of sleep. ii) Also in theory, you can save 11 years if you start practicing Polyphasic sleep at the age of 20.
b) There are also different types of polyphasic sleep cycles that can be used if taking 6 naps is not possible.
i) The Siesta (6 hours core sleep; 20 minutes nap) …show more content…
b) Polyphasic sleep is very hard to get started because you have to train your body to become adjusted to this irregular sleep cycle.
i) It usually takes a month to become adapted to. ii) Alarm clocks are used which disrupts REM sleep leaving you tired. iii) When adapting to polyphasic sleep you will frequently feel tired and few people who try this type of sleeping make it past the first week let alone a month.
c) If you become adapted to a polyphasic sleep schedule you cannot deviate from it without feeling the consequences.
i) Missing naps or being late when taking a nap affects your body drastically. ii) If you deviate from the sleep schedule at all during the first month you pay for it with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. iii) Once you are adapted, you must follow your sleep schedule religiously or you can throw your entire schedule off and again experience extreme exhaustion.
Conclusion: Now that you know the benefits of polyphasic sleep as well as the negatives, I will let you decide whether or not you would like to give this sleep cycle a