Bisphenol-a (BPA) is found in many beverage and food containers, including baby bottles. The main use for BPA is in the production of plastic items, like water bottles, computer cases, sunglasses and canned and beverage goods. In addition, this a component of this chemical is used in making the heat sensitive coating on thermal paper possible for printing. Also, polycarbonate plastic food containers are made from the chemical BPA. These food storage containers provide a durable, tough, see through and shatter free way for restaurants to store food. In addition to contributing to safety, containers made with BPA plastic provide us with a low-cost option that can be used for a long time.…
Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) affects the brain and in turn the body through receptors called endocannabinoids. These receptors are can be found in multiple areas of the brain and lymphatic tissues. Extensive research has found that marijuana users are able to consume more foods with lot of calories and less nutritional content and still maintain a normal body mass index better than or similar to non-marijuana users. The reasoning behind this hypothesis is centered around the observation is that the occurrence of Diabetes Mellitus would be lessen in people who use marijuana since their bodies contain components from the marijuana that helps to users to control and regulate the digestive system in addition to preventing inflammation of…
Providing health care insurance to all employees can be a difficult process with the wrong foundation. Here at Professional Effectiveness, Inc. we have the foundation you need to provide all employees a health benefit program design that meets a wide variety of individual needs.…
The use of illegal drugs in the twenty-first century is very common. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, and other well-known names, are among the most frequently used drugs today. Marijuana comes from cannabis sativa, which is a hemp plant. The plant contains a chemical which is known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Some people smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes or in pipes or water pipes while other mix marijuana in foods such as brownies, cookies, or candy, or brew it as a tea. There are a few benefits of using cannabis. It’s used as a medicinal drug and can minimize physical pain and alleviate psychological disorders, such as anxiety and depression. However, the use of cannabis…
R. Mechoulam et al. 2003. Cannabidiol: an overview of some pharmacological aspects. Neuroscience Letters 346: 61-64; J. McPartland and E. Russo. 2002. Cannabis and cannabis extracts: greater than the sum of their parts. Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics 1: 103-132; A. Zuardi and F Guimaraes. Cannabidiol as an anxiolytic and antipsychotic. In: M. Mathre (Ed): Cannabis in medical practice: a legal, historical and pharmacological overview of therapeutic use of marijuana. McFarland Press: 1997: 133-141.…
In the book “Cannabis and Cannabinoids” that Franjo Grotenhermen wrote in 2002, which mostly deals with the medical aspects of marijuana. There was a study that was recorded about the effects that THC the active ingredient in marijuana and the results were a little surprising. Marijuana was found to treat a wide range of various ailments such as: Tourette-Syndrome, appetite loss, weight loss, nausea, depression, HIV-infection, migraines, asthma, back pain, hepatitis C, sleeping disorders, epilepsy, spasticity, headaches,…
Cannabidiol, CBD is an active compound in marijuana. It accounts for about 40% of the cannabis extract. It is nonpsychoactive and counters the effect of THC, tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical that is responsible for the psychological effects of cannabis. There are receptors in the brain associated with…
First off, the THC found in Cannibis has an affect on the immune function and can reduce and prevent the autoimmune attack on the CNS. This slows down the pathogenic process and helps to reduce exacerbations which can slow down the progression of the disease or even bring it to a halt. Cannibis also has an incredible affect on muscles spasms. tremors, and balance. Patients who are not able to go up stairs or walk on their own, find themselves capable of doing so unaided after having smoke cannibis. Patients also claim tha speech, eyesight, and bladder contorl symptoms are improved. Last, but not least, Cannibis can be used to treat the chronic pain and depression that is associated with…
Marijuana is a mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems and flowers from a hemp plant better know as Cannabis sativa. Uses of marijuana can be recreational or medical and the earliest recorded uses date from the 3rd millennium BC. (Rudgley, “The Lost Civilizations”) Tetrahydrocannabinol also known as THC is the chemical responsible for marijuana’s psychological effects. THC stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine and causes euphoria like feeling. While the most popular use is for recreational purposes, it is proven that it can help in the medical field also. Even medical marijuana is illegal in most states. Supporters of medical marijuana argue that it can be safe and effective against AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma and other conditions. Nonetheless, abusing marijuana can lead to problem with learning, memory and social behavior. It can also interfere with family, work and other activities. But there are many in favor for cannabis like Bob Marley a famous musician and known for his use of marijuana describes in an interview “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction”.…
Synthetic cannabinoids act on the same brain cell receptors as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the mind-altering ingredient in marijuana.…
Another contrast between cigarettes and cannabis, is that cannabis has medicinal properties. The most common use for marijuana in medicine is to diminish the effects of chemotherapy on cancer patients. The two most familiar components of marijuana to the medical industry is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and cannabidiol or CBD. Both THC and CBD are noted in the US Patent # 6630507 as having antioxidant properties and being useful in treatment of side effects “caused by oxidative stress” such as chemotherapy (Hampson). Chemotherapy is the method of treating cancer in which you kill or stunt the growth of cells, in order to eliminate the cancerous ones. The possible side effects include headaches, pain from nerve damage, nausea, and vomiting. THC…
First and foremost, what is marijuana? “Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the world; various forms of the drug have been used for thousands of years for their medicinal, social, and aesthetic effects” (Marijuana Legalization 3). For those who don’t know, “cannabis, or marijuana, is an annual flowering plant of the botanical order Rosales, which today occurs across large…
In the past year, many medicinal benefits of marijuana have been discovered. Two scientists from the California Pacific Medical Center “found that a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer” (Wilkey). One of the scientists discovered Cannabidiol, found in marijuana, also works with other types of aggressive cancers that have high levels of ID-1 present. Cannabidiol is also used to help with anxiety and nausea. Marijuana, which can also be used to help all fight obesity related diseases, contains an ingredient called THCV, and when this substance and Cannabidiol is introduced into a person’s system, it can help suppress hunger. Also, “tests in mice show the compounds boost the animal’s metabolism, [which led] to lower levels of fat in the livers and reduced cholesterol in the blood stream. THCV also increase[d] the animal’s sensitivity to insulin” (Gray).…
Cannabis is the main ingredient in marijuana. The National institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reported that its effect on the body is just like any other natural made chemical in the body. The benefits range from treating simple headache to slowing down cancer cells. Drugs sold over the counter are more dangerous than marijuana yet those drugs are approved and are sold. Donald Abrams, chief of hematology-oncology at San Francisco general hospital, has done more research on marijuana than anyone in the United States (Weil, 127). He concluded in his research that inhaling cannabis can help reduce pain associated with nerve damage and can also increase effect of opiate pain relievers as well help patients sleep. This is greatly important because of how tough nerve damage can be on a person. They are usually recommended to use over the counter pain relief pills but if marijuana is stronger in relieving pain as well as helping them sleep more calmly why would anyone decline. Another usage for marijuana is that the cannabinoids have an ability to relieve chronic pain which included nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy (Park). Cancer is something that troubles every human because currently the current treatments to battle it are very costly on the human body physically and mentally. Chemotherapy is so frightening that some people are even tempted not to try to that method. If they were told about marijuana,…
classify marijuana as an illegal drug and will arrest any person in possession of it.…