Tourism is one of the largest industries in the world, and each year more than two million tourists, so visit Pompeii and around half a million-visit Herculaneum. Yet tourism is vital to the economy, constant destructions are evident by the erosion of roads and footpaths caused by heavy tourist traffic, exposed and broken lead water pipes, vandalism, parts of the mosaics, pottery and marble missing due to the poorly managed sites. Furthermore, …show more content…
according to source G tourism is a threat to Pompeii due to the ruins of the entrance step of the temple of Apollo. As a result, source G exemplifies on its restrictions to some area to try and reduce the damages they cause. Although, in the mid 1990s only 14 per cent of the site was open, in 2004 it was closer to 30 per cent. In spite of this, Italian and international efforts have contributed to preventing these damages by introducing a new policy towards the management of sites in the Pompeii area. In addition, the new policy has introduced a form of self-government where admission fees and tourist related revenues are kept in the superintendent’s budget for the sites rather than handing a small percentage and taking all admission money from the site. As a result, this has greatly increased the revenue in order to improve the site management and conservation efforts.
Although tourism is a threat to the sites, according to source H 200 years of excavation in Herculaneum and exposure has brought with it deterioration as both natural forces and human activities has impacted their part in the slow disintegration of the sites.
In Herculaneum, excavators are more concerned with speed by collecting valuable artefacts and antiques rather than a systematic excavation, resulting in many of the uncovered structures being deteriorated. Conversely, increasing destruction of tourism resulted in certain barriers in the sites to protect some buildings, the improvement of training guides and original pottery, columns and decorations have been moved to museums and replaced on sites by reproduction, however, the conservation efforts are a failure. The Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei whose mandate is the preservation, conservation and public utilisation of archaeological resources management has been inadequate since the PomepiViva collapsed in 2011 due to mismanagement and the excessive amount of tourists. Despite this, the significant conservation efforts are hard to gauge due to the lack of the appropriate management and the continuous amount of human
To conclude, despite the conservation efforts to deal with the impacts of tourism, it has been an inadequate progress due to the cumulative destruction of tourism.