Bath houses were public houses to bathe in and were popular during Elizabeth's rule. The lords and wealthy families would have copper tubs in their house to bathe in. (Knight, 2008)
Most of the cleaning remedies could be made at home, such as the soaps that were made of mutton fat, wood ash, and natural soda. More expensive versions would include oils or flowers. The soaps for bathing were mostly used by the wealthier class because they costed too much. Since there were no toothbrushes like there are now they would wipe their mouths with burnt rosemary and rinse with a mixture of vinegar and water. And to whiten teeth and get rid of plaque they would rub their teeth with powdered sage. (Knight, 2008) Nobody knew bathing more frequently could reduce illnesses and keep germs away, in fact they were not even aware germs existed. Instead they had many theories as to why illnesses existed such as illnesses being a form of punishment from God and that sinful behavior self induces the illnesses and sickness. Others believe that the fluids in our body can cause disease when they become unbalanced. And some people even thought that when the earth is not aligned it could cause sickness. (Trueman,