All too often, students perform poorly in school simply because they lack good study habits. In many cases, students don't know where to begin, don't fully understand the material, are not motivated by it, or feel that there was too much work given to them with too little time to complete or study it. If their studying skills do not improve, these students will continue to test poorly and not perform to their fullest potential.
Some students have problems getting started. Begin to study early, with one or two hours per day. Then, slowly build your study time and quality as you approach the exam or test. make a list of the material you have and separate it by priority. Do what you feel is most important first and save what you feel is least important until the end. Using this method of studying, you ensure that you finish more significant work in case some unexpected interruption occurs. Also, keep an organized notebook filled with useful information. Review your notebook during study halls, between classes, and at home. Finally, take planned breaks while studying to give your mind a rest and let the information sink in.
In other instances it seems that there is just too much to study and not enough time in which to study effectively and remember the materials. Preview the reading, notes, etc., and organize your information into categories, outlines, hierarchies, and charts. One of these charts is known as a Venn Diagram. it can be used for comparing and contrasting by drawing a circle for each item you are studying. Each circle overlaps another, indicating the similarities between each item. The remaining space of each circle indicates the differences. Another technique to separate a topic is called a "spider" or 'webbing' graph. This diagram consists of a main idea or subject. Branches or "legs" connect subjects to the main idea. For example, if you were researching the Civil War in the United States, the center of your graph would be