Pop music, music of populace, originated in the UK and USA. Pop music is not a genre in itself, but merely the music targeting mass audiences. The History of popular music was not about social phenomenon, music was all that mattered and being least resistant (Gray, : 104). There were two types of American pop music. The first one being the angle of concentration, focusing on artistic and historical themes. The second being responsible for everything that was considered to be important as a reminder (Spaeth, : xiv). The difference between pop music of the beginning of the decade was live shows that were instrumental and structural and the end of the decade was very studio collective with minimal imagination as the music sound highly enhanced (Derogatis, Kot: 29). In the beginning of this decade, the trends of rock and roll was sustained from the 50s era. Middle 60s drugs became popular to improvise with music and so mellow psychedelic rock had developed. This counterculture was narrowed down to the younger generation which joined a three day hippie festival giving peace and love called Woodstock (Gray, : 104). Pop was known as music such as blues rock, jazz , folk and later in the decade genre’s such as bubble gum pop, heavy metal and psychedelic rock became more popular. A few popular artists were Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, The Beach boys, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd and many more. Pop music was considered a key to life itself and the history of a nation (Spaeth,:3) In 1966 a cultural change had taken place as the mop top era was over ride and the beardy years had begun (Wilson, 266)
The cute, cuddly and lovable band, The Beatles, was an innovative rock band from England. They were an acceptable counterculture and known as the ultimate sentimental touchstones for the 1960s generation (Derogatis, Kot: 13).