Fall 2010
Dr. Perry
Laine Hicks
Advertising campaign on pop-tarts
Kellogg's Pop Tarts are a toasted form of breakfast pastry. Pop Tarts come in a variety of flavors, from fruit flavors to chocolate and S'mores varieties. In the increased competition from a number of other toaster pastry products as well as children's cereal products, which are increasingly being packaged in 'on the go' types of formats, has pushed Pop Tarts to change their advertising stageys. There were efforts to change what was on the Pop Tart box but it only opened a door for new advertisements.
In 2003 the FDA obesity working group said that we need to capitalize on consumer demand for healthier foods. This led to the on and off label of products that contain small amounts of fruits and vegetables, or contain refined carbohydrates. These products such as fruit drinks and Pop Tarts and, highly sugared cereals, are considered energy dense than nutrient dense. Which are not good for humans. When Children’s Advertising Review Unit stepped in also followed by customer complaints, they recommended that Kellogg change its packaging, by getting rid of the phrase “made with real fruit”. Kellogg agreed to that they still proceeded with its “future child-directed advertising”, meaning they wanted to sell their products. Kellogg’s previous decision has since been reversed and current boxes still say “made with real fruit”. This opened new ways for advertising to kids and adults.
The market for any children's product is always somewhat tricky. Although children technically do not hold the winning strings in a household, but they do have some of a say as to what comes into the house as food. The amount of money advertisers spend marketing to children is estimated at $15 billion dollars per year ("Facts about marketing to children," 2008, New American Dream). Foods such as Pop Tarts, which are high in sugar but taste good usually rely upon the famous 'nag factor' where the child nags