Modern economics have widened the gap between rich and poor in society. This gap can be illustrated by the fact that the three wealthiest individuals in the world have assets that exceed those of the poorest ten percent of the world’s population.
Recently in Christian theology and ethics there has been a drive to Liberation Theologies. Most forms of liberation theology were born in the social turmoil of the 1960s. These theologies which aim to liberate oppressed people and groups and seeks to …show more content…
Sociology and economics, gives theology a more informed understanding of the plight of the poor and oppressed. While critics have proposed that these theologies have a Marxist sympathy. This isn’t entirely true because the core of liberation theology has never been Marxist. “It is rather the compassionate identification with the poor and their struggle for justice, inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus himself, which is at its heart. “Instead of social analysis, which was seen as a methodological tool, from the outset liberation theology placed greater emphasis on the crucial role of God’s people committed praxis- or, in other words, the Christian communities’ action inspired by faith and informed theological reflection”