But, there can be a lot of positive effects on our population too. As everyone knows, Obama is putting out ‘Obamacare’ which gives free healthcare. Growth is good for our economy. More people that can spend money, taxes, all that. Taxes can go to schools to make children have a better education. With a good government, and a good economic system, population growth is fantastic. Innovations like, industrial, medical, and agricultural; we can all benefit from all of those. Assembly-line manufacturing itself is an adaption to an increasing population. More people around the world are living longer lies than even a century earlier because of all of hospitals we have now. The world’s increase in population is responsible for a greater consciousness, as well as the innovations to produce food at the pace of population growth.
There are a lot of negative effects in our population here in the United States. There is barely any room for everyone to live. The homeless people that we have all around, they aren’t there just because they couldn’t hold a job, or pay their bills, but because we don’t build enough houses or have enough apartments for people to live in. There’s always pollution going into our atmosphere. It’s always something, like a car exhaust, hairspray, spray paint, etc. It’s all bad for