The leading edge of outward relocation often was led by the affluent into scenic areas
In some older neighborhoods, concentrations of poor persons have grown, so that unemployment, poverty, crime, and inadequate preparation for school sometimes lead to persistent social crises
During the 1960s, two-thirds of suburban development occurred in a sprawl, rather than in a compact, pattern
Gottdiener (1985) called this a multinucleated, deconcentrated spatial form.
claimed to coin the term "postsuburban" to describe
"this new postsuburban spatial form."
referred to the largest commercial and office concentrations as "edge cities". Knox (1994, p.
135) labelled these agglomerations "stealth cities", because they typically lacked a local government and even lacked a distinctive postal address despite their huge size.
Four factors explain exurbanization. They include the continued deconcentration of employment and the rise of exurban industrialization, the latent antiurban and rural location preferences of U.S. households, improving technology that makes exurban living possible, and the apparent bias of policy favoring exurban development over compact development."
Institutions such as government centers, universities, and cultural facilities, as well as aesthetic attractions such as interesting architecture, or convenient and walkable mixeduse environments, are not present in many suburban neighborhoods. The success of suburbs in attracting employment contains a threat to suburban residential stability.
An escalation in overall metropolitan sprawl is the likely result.
People acting on such preferences will contribute to exurban sprawl into agricultural areas, as well as contribute to revival of some central city neighborhoods.
A region lying beyond the suburbs of a city,