For example, while both movements lauded bimetallism, the populist movement puts seemingly greater emphasis on free silver. Bryan explains how significant he sees solving the money issue is to his movement, by saying: “You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” (Bryan 149). Bimetallism is so crucial to the populist movement that Bryan believes adhering to a strict gold standard could crucify mankind. The labor movement certainly prefers free coinage of silver, but they prioritize it to a lesser degree as the movement also focuses on other issues. The labor movement also emphasizes reforms to improve working conditions for the laboring man. For example, Altgeld talks about unemployment insurance by saying: “It has been suggested that the State…should furnish employment during the winter to idle men. Certainly everything that can be done in this line will be done” (Altgeld 131). Working conditions, employment, and wages appear to be at least equally important to the labor movement as bimetallism. Bryan also advocates on behalf of the income tax, which although many progressives also wanted, is something that Altgeld does not mention in his …show more content…
While it is clear both movements attempted to improve the conditions of the common man, the two movements remained distinct. Ultimately these movements had somewhat differing goals that were meant to effect different people, and they had different means for advocating change. The fact that these movements did not merge helps explain why progress for the common man was slow, evidenced by the fact that the United States did not actually abolish the gold standard until Franklin D. Roosevelt’s presidency . In the recent United States Presidential election, Donald Trump, whatever one may think of his candidacy, ran an effective populist campaign. Trump's anti-establishment message contained economic elements offering protection for American industrial jobs and cultural elements offering protection from foreign elements such as immigration and terrorism. As a result, he succeeded where Jennings Bryan did not by obtaining a significant portion of the labor vote, and is poised to become the first populist U.S. President in almost 200 years. Only time will tell whether he delivers on his campaign promise and his presidency accelerates progress for the common