Although the era was a likely influence Undeniably In both pieces, the speakers appear to be greatly deluded. The fact that there is no addressee in “Porphyria’s Lover”, highlights “the insanity and loneliness of the criminal” (Paccaud-Huguet 94). The lover further Psychotic. Why did porphyria have to come in and start a fire? Why wasn’t it already started? Why was he sitting in the dark? Further more the cold. Says something about the lover. Either in deep thought or just plain mad. The wife had paranoia, browning depicts this in his rhyme and repetition “laugh laugh at me”…
Macbeth’s emotions in Act 1 Scene 7 contrast to the lack of emotion in ‘Porphyria’s Lover’. The speaker says: “No pain felt she, / I am quite sure she felt no pain.” This may suggest that the speaker is too full of the lack of emotion towards their lover, that they thought that when s/he was strangling their lover, their lover felt no pain and was possibly happy with what they were doing.…
In this analysis, I will be comparing Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’, Robert Browning’s ‘The Laboratory’ and ‘Porphyria’s Lover’. All of these texts include one or more villainous characters.…
Robert Browning’s dramatic monologues Porphyria’s Lover and My Last Duchess contain many thematic similarities, despite portraying different scenarios, primarily spoken through a possessive and jealous man. In Porphyria’s Lover a man waits in his cottage for Porphyria. Her arrival “shut[s] the cold out and the storm” both literally and metaphorically. Porphyria confesses her undying love for the speaker, who, “happy and proud”, that Porphyria…
"Porphyria's lover" (PL) and "The laboratory" (TL) are two dramatic monologues written by Robert Browning. Browning uses a range of techniques to reveal the characters psyche. The characters are both insane and deluded but have big differences, such as one of them is sadistic and the other suffering from subconscious guilt. I will be discussing the techniques that Browning uses to reveal his characters in PL and TL.…
Porphyria’s Lover takes place in a cottage on a stormy night. Porphyria arrives to her lover’s home and begins to seduce him as “she rose, and from her form/Withdrew the dripping cloak and shawl/and lid her soiled gloves by (10-12)”. Her lover is undergoing an internal struggle debating in his head whether or not Porphyria loves him. The couple appears to be cuddling while her lover looks into her eyes and feels “happy and proud; at last I knew Porphyria worshiped me (32-33)”. Porphyria’s lover then proceeds to strangle her with her own hair. Her lover opens her eyes after she has died and props her up against his body thinking about the even that just took place.…
Browning’s use of language also helps us to understand the mind of the narrator, from as soon as Porphyria enters the cottage the word “and” is repeated again and again, on almost every line up until he decides to kill her, from this it seems obvious that her lover is observing her every move,…
In this Essay I will compare and contrast Havisham, by Carol Ann Duffy and Porphyria’s Lover, by Robert Browning. I will explore and analyse the range of poetic devices used to tell a story of love gone wrong. Havisham is spoken by a fictional character based on Charles Dickens’ Miss Havisham. Duffy depicts Havisham as a woman crippled by love and loneliness after being left at the altar. In contrast Browning’s poem sees Porphyria’s Lover murder Porphyria, so she can’t leave and he will no longer be lonely in her absence. Despite being written over 150 years apart both poems share a theme of love and loneliness portrayed through unhinged minds. They tell the story of painful suffering and longing due to separation from their lovers, although they dreamt of marriage it cannot be an option- both characters drive themselves to madness in the loneliness of their dark rooms.…
Linking to this fear of Madeline that is newly instilled in the reader is the abrupt and ironic dismissal of love after the forty first stanza, which demonstrates the idea that love itself was ‘long ago’. The fact that previously in the Eve of St Agnes Porphyro’s heart was ‘on fire’ for Madeline leading him to risk his capture and death for her initially provided a positive image for the reader allowing one to trust his character, however the forty first stanza utilizes a significant amount of cadaverous imagery through the Baron ‘dreaming of many a…
In Robert Browning 's dramatic monologue "Porphyria 's Lover," he introduces the persona, a twisted and abnormally possessive lover whose dealings are influenced by the perceived deliberation of others actions. As the monologue begins, a terrible, almost intentional storm sets upon the persona, who awaits his love, Porphyria. His lover "glide[s] in" (l 6) from a "gay feast" (l 27) and attempts to calm her angry love. This leads to a disastrous end, either for spite or fulfillment of a figurative wish that "would [now] be heard" (l 57). Browning suggests one must be cautious of what one wishes for, especially in dealings with love, where one focuses on the heart rather than material consequences.…
Throughout history, the prevalence of evil and its good counterpart has become increasingly evident; beyond that, the physical and emotional conflict between the two has led to many controversial and brutal internal and external conflicts. This phenomena is made clear in several selections of various media-types, such as Macbeth by Shakespeare, “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling, and "How One Notorious Serial Killer Got Caught" by Charles Monaldo. In each, characteristics of individuals are clearly altered through the influence of evil, yet in most cases, good ultimately overcomes these new-bred flaws. Oftentimes these evil characteristics that the individuals come to possess are masked…
In Sonnet 1, Browning conveys the Romantic idea of love and spirituality against the prudish rationalism of the Victorian era. Her Greco-allusion “How Theocractes had sung…” references the 3rd century BC Greek pastoral poet – mourning the lost ‘art’ of renaissance passion. The aural metaphor reflects how poetry as “a craft,” had been lost – the past tense reinforcing that love as spiritual and not materialistic is neglected by Victorian culture. This is echoed in the lines: “of the sweet years, the dear and wished for years”, in which Browning utilizes assonance to accentuate the repetition of “years”; rhymed in the line, “through my tears” to emphasize the Victorian’s shifting focus of love to a convention of marriage that relies upon dowries and status. The enjambment, “who by turns had flung / A shadow across me” is a metaphor illustrating her isolation and sadness in this context – the literal shadow cast…
Browning's particular word choice in this dramatic monologue steers the reader to believe that over time the Duchess' flirtatious nature becomes more difficult for the Duke to handle. As he says to the emissary, "Sir, 'twas not / Her husband's presence only, call that spot / Of joy into the Duchess' cheek," (12-14) the Duke begins to explain how she is charmed by anyone, and "too easily impressed" (24). In addition to being overly impressed by gifts from "officious fools," (27) the Duke is especially upset as he says, "she ranked / My gift of a nine-hundred-years-old name / With anybody's gift." By marrying the Duchess the Duke gave her the gift of nobility, and she now holds a higher social rank. He feels that that gift alone should maintain her happiness, and commitment to him. The Duke's anger, and jealously have now escalated, and the reader begins to question what his madness will carry him to do. Another meticulous selection of words Browning uses is, " Oh, sir, she smiled, no doubt, / Whene'er I passed her; but who passed without / Much the same smile? This grew; I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together." (43-46) The poem has now turned very mysterious, how was the Duchess executed, and who other than the Duke is…
Browning’s poem “Porthyria’s Lover” tells a story of a murder seen through the eyes of Porphyria’s lover- the murderer. It takes place on a rainy night, in the speaker’s home, where he sits alone in the dark until Porphyria’s arrival. She lights the fire place, takes off her garments and sits by her lover whispering how much he loves him. He then decides to strangle her with her hair, after which he lays her head once again on his shoulder and they sit as they are for the rest of the night. The poem might be influenced by Browning’s own inner thoughts and feelings, since during his lifetime he has been less appreciated as an author compared to his wife.…
The ways in which the poems begin are quite different. In ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ Robert Browning starts by setting the scene, the mood at the beginning of the poem is very cold and gloomy as he describes the weather outside, using a personification of the wind, ‘the sullen wind was soon awake,’ but then as Porphyria enters the room the mood changes at once bringing warmth to poem, ‘When glided in Porphyria; straight She shut the cold out and the storm, And kneeled and made the cheerless grate Blaze up, and all the cottage warm,’ I think this contrast in settings is very powerful and gives the reader a vivid but simple picture in their head. Whereas in ‘My last duchess’ I think that mood is quite bleak and stays like that throughout the poem as the Duke begins by showing off a painting of his wife to a guest and says that she looks as if she were alive, this immediately tells us that she is dead.…