The story of “My Last Duchess” is a sad story about a man who is about to meet his new wife. He is talking to the man who represents the family he is taking this wife from and he decides to tell the representative about his last duchess which died. The story does not tell how she dies only that she is dead, and that her husband believed she smiled too much. The story of “Porphyria’s Lover” is about a woman(Porphyria) who walks in on her lover. She adds wood to the fire, puts away her coat, then lays down with her lover. Her lover then proceeds to strangle her with her own hair. These stories are both examples of love ending terribly. In both stories the female of the relationship dies. In “Porphyria's lover” Porphyria is killed by her lover, in “My Last Duchess” it hints at the point that she …show more content…
We then find that he is speaking to what in modern days would essentially be a lawyer or possible a butler. He tells this man that his last wife was beautiful beyond compare and that she was always smiling. It annoyed him that she always gave the same smile. A gift from him received the same reaction as a gift from a gardener. She died however but it never says how. It does hint that he had her killed or might have killed her himself.
“Porphyria's lover” is about the beautiful Porphyria, who is walking into a cabin or other home of some kind where she sees her lover lying on a couch or bed. She comes in from the cold, stokes the almost dead fire, and removes her coat. She makes small talk with her lover, although he never replies, and lays down beside him. She says she wishes they could be like that forever. To which her lover then replies with his first action. He wraps her hair around her neck and strangles her to death. She doesn't fight back. Keep in mind this whole story is told from his point of view so her murder is very