Investors Information
Investor Profile 01
Name; Miss; H.A.Wanamali
Birth Date; 31 May 1988
Relationship; Retail Investor
Gender; Female
Investor Profile 02
Name; Miss; W.D.D.M. Rathnasiri
Birth Date; 19 Nov 1988
Relationship; Retail Investor
Gender; Female
Investor Profile 03
Name; Miss; P.D.S.S.Wetthesinghe
Birth Date; 17 Oct 1988
Relationship; Retail Investor
Gender; Female
Statement of Objective
Risk Aversion
Our intention is gaining high return while controlling the risk level of the investment. Though the high return level implied the high tolerance for risk of investors, our objective is to maximize the return while minimizing the overall risk level of the investment to accomplish the maximized wealth. The major reason behind high level tolerance for risk is the return expected through the investment is high.
Always we tried to maintain better relationship between the expected return and cost of investment. Except our main objective there are some co-objectives those are, * Mitigation of Risk
To construct efficient and well diversified portfolio three persons are joined together through that we can manage and bear risk among us. On the other hand single marital status, young age and relax feeling of family responsibilities rub up the high tolerance level for risk. * Maintain an appropriate degree of portfolio diversification
We will maintain efficient diversification portfolio at all time and it should be matches with the reasonable sector allocation. * Rebalancing of strategic allocation
Assets allocation must matches the portfolio risk tolerance
But as rational investors we cannot rely upon the stable objectives and time to time based on economic conditions objectives may differ. Therefore we have to alter our objectives according to economic condition to obtain highest return while maintaining lower risk.
Investment Constraints
In the process of investment, the key constraint