Submitted to:
Pallabi Siddiqua
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Submitted by:
Gazi Afsana Roll: 15-252
4th year 2nd Semester
Department of Finance
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka
Date of submission: January 13, 2013.
Letter of transmittal
Mrs. Pollobi siddiqua
Department Of Finance,
University Of Dhaka.
Subject: Submission of term paper on “Portfolio Performance evaluation & Analysis”.
Dear Madam,
It is an opportunity and great pleasure for us to prepare a term paper on “Portfolio Performance evaluation & Analysis, for our course (F-407) portfolio management according to your order.
It was an experience of applying our theoretical knowledge practically to analyze the investment decision. It was also an opportunity for us of thinking ourselves as investor and thus acquiring knowledge of how to deal and take investment decision in corporate business. This gathered and acquired knowledge will help us in our career life in further.
Therefore we appreciate for your cooperation and we will hope you will call upon us with any queries occasioned by this report. Thanking you and looking forward for receiving your cordial approval of our submission.
Sincerely yours,
Gazi Afsana
ID: 15-252
B.B.A 15th Batch; 4thYear 8th semester
Section: B
Department Of Finance
University Of Dhaka
We are conveying our deepest gratitude and sincere submission to the Almighty ALLAH for giving us the opportunity to accomplish such an enjoyable task of preparing this report in time.
We would like to pay our gratitude to all of the people who helped us a lot for the completion of this report before, during, and after the working period. We are thankful to our senior ones who have suggested us how to prepare the report in a proper manner and also