The stereotypical misrepresentations of African-American women and men in popular culture have influenced societal views of Blacks for centuries. The typical stereotypes about Black women range from the smiling, a sexual and often obese Mammy to the promiscuous Jezebel who lures men with her sexual charms. However, the loud, smart mouthed, neck-rolling Black welfare mother is the popular image on reality television. These images portrayed in media and popular culture create powerful ideology about race and gender, which affects daily experiences of Black women in America. With few healthy relationships portrayed in the media, Black women are left to make decisions based on the options they have and the options they perceive. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why Black women are the least likely to marry in the climate of the over-sexed woman and a pimp.
The media has always played a big role in how people perceive different cultures through such media outlets such as radio, television, and internet. I felt that the portrayal of African-American women would be a good topic for this paper, because all race of women but especially black women have had negative stereotypes in media and I feel that they have had the most tainted image in people’s eyes. This paper is important because a lot of people can learn about the struggles that these women have had to overcome through these years. This is a part of American culture no matter if we are male, female, black or white. Topics like this need to be brought up more often so people can learn from mistakes and learn how to forgive people for past judgments’. Addressing these issues can also help social behavior.
Also discussed in this paper is the history of how black women were treated during slavery and how that may affect the way they are still being portrayed in media. I will talk about some of the prominent women that opened the door, such as