Brave New World is the story of a utopian society and the faults within it. The characters idolize absurd aspects of life. Loyalty is degraded under the belief that everyone belongs to everyone. The characters are trained to avoid feelings like anger and despair in situations such as death. Any problem can be fixed with the consumption of Soma, a drug with similar effects of alcohol. The morals of sleep-learning specialist Bernard Marx stray from the rest of society as he accepts loneliness and monogamy. On a trip to an outside community known as ¨The Reservation,¨ Bernard is greeted by a population who expresses the same beliefs as our normal world. Upon his return to Brave New World, he brings with him John Savage and his repulsive mother, Linda, who has history in the society. Bernard Marx exploits these characters to reveal a harsh aspect of the Brave New World society, which alters his status from quirky and lonely to conventional and popular.…
The “New Woman” is “appealing in her appearance” (Moeller 35), independent, and changes all assumptions about femininity. She is one who “go[es] to the cinema in the evenings… buy[s] Elegant World and the film magazines,” (Wehrling 721-723) she can be seen as promiscuous and sexually liberated. Mia Pinneberg models all these adjectives. She wears her “brown suit and smart hat” (Fallada 278) voiding any feminine assumptions, she formerly worked as a hostess at a night club, and even upon aging, continues her quest for social superiority through her constant evening parties and booze. Mia is the independent “New Woman” that bounces around from lover to lover with only her self-interest in mind. She is currently using Jachmann, her “current lover” (Fallada 107) for solely her own pleasures, and openly admits that she “sleep[s] with him” (Fallada 107). All of these aesthetic qualities and aspirations demonstrate how society saw the “New Woman.” However, underneath the mass stereotype for modernized bourgeois women, the pressures and expectations create an alienation from themselves, others and society itself as displayed through Mia.…
Often individuals choose to conform to society, rather than pursue personal desires because it is often easier to follow the path others have made already, rather than create a new one. In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, this conflict is explored. Huxley starts the story by introducing Bernard Marx, the protagonist of the story, who is unhappy with himself, because of the way he interacts with other members of society. As the story progresses, the author suggests that, like soma, individuals can be kept content with giving them small pleasure over short periods of time. Thus, it is suggested in the book that if individuals would conform to their society’s norms, their lives would become much happier and also easier in the long run. Consequently, by developing the story this way, the author was able to effectively how an unsatisfied individual might fit in with society.…
Like in 1984, Brave new world shows the dangers of letting the government take too much control over our daily lives. Where a good government will leave its citizens alone to live their own lives. What makes the New World Sate different from brutal totalitarian regimes like those in our history and in 1984 is that the government feeds on the weaknesses of human nature. This makes citizens give away their freedom for a false sense of happiness and security.…
Although the novel, “Brave New World”, encourages sexual intercourse, drug use, and opposes any form of family, and religion it should be kept in the high school curriculum because these are our worst features of our world drawn out and exaggerated, and humanity seems to be moving closer to Huxley’s dystopian vision.…
Of all the works that Aldous Huxley has produced the most intriguing and philosophical one would have to be Brave New World. Throughout his carrier Huxley has written many satirical novels about the flaws of society but none can compare the symbolism and depth that this novel presents. As the above quote suggests the citizens of this futuristic society known as the World State chose to live a life of hedonism devoid of emotions and beliefs rather than suffer any pain. Both Huxley's focus on the tragic flaws of this society and satirical development of the utopian scheme, lead us to believe the hypocrisy of such a utopian state. Furthermore there are many parallels that can be drawn between our way of life and the society portrayed in the book; these parallels include soma, hynopaedic messages and sex. Huxley uses this parallelism to warn us that the path that our society is taking will lead us to damnation.…
By not following orthodox views in society, Bernard, John, and Helmholtz have all displayed unorthodox behavior. Unlike most people in society, John refuses to take soma to alter his feelings. John says, “I don’t believe it’s right” (Huxley, 155). John did not like the idea that his mother was was going to be in a long sleep caused by soma. Bernard shows strange behavior by not having a huge interest in ‘having women’. Bernard said to Lenina, “I didn’t want it to end with our going to bed...Not at once, not on the first day” (Huxley, 93). In this society, most men think about having women and move too fast, but from this one can infer that Bernard does not think like the other people, he likes to take this type of this seriously. Helmholtz…
Brave New World intrigued me, even before I began reading because it has been said to be complicated, provocative, and prophetic. In Huxley’s vision of the future, humans are produced the same way consumer goods are produced on an assembly line. It was hard to imagine a world without childbirth, where human reproduction became solely about maximizing efficiency. I felt pity for the students because they felt no positive connotation to the words “parent” and “home”. They no longer had a personal connection to family, feeling no love or emotion at all, which to me is the entire basis of humanity. They feel lucky to be spared all the pain and suffering that come with emotions, and although many of us probably feel it would be easier, with pain comes the understanding of real happiness. Even the traditional taboos about sex have been discarded; children engage in erotic play because they have been conditioned to believe that sex has no emotional or moral…
The theme of sex is looked at as Lenina tries to seduce John where she only enrages him to strike her naked body. The act of sex been dehumanized and made devoid of passion and treated casually and publically instead of as a personal matter. The way Lenina treats sex is just the way his mother had sex, sleeping with every man she could and this angers John because he wants no part of the world his mother comes from. He wants to live by his own rules and by falling into the arms of Leninas naked body he believes he will have sinned. The theme of power and control is used not by physical force but by conditioning people to follow the rules, “it is a matter of sitting not hitting” states one character. Power is a key focus in the later chapters for it shows what must be done to create a Brave New World. Mustapha Mond is the resident world controller of Western Europe. Even though he is one of the seven people in control of the entire world there is a sense that he is a slave to his position in life just like everyone else. He must control all science that is given to the public for it can be quite subversive to the society that has been created. Mustapha Mond states that “science is dangerous; we have to keep it most…
Brave New World (1932) is one of the most bewitching and insidious works of literature ever written.…
To stand up to everyone else and maintain ones character is never easy and can often be dangerous. To go against everyones views and opinions, especially when no one shares the same views as you can be very daunting. In the book ‘Brave New World’, the author Aldous Huxley showed that it is very difficult to stand up and be an individual. He did this through his character, the Savage. The Savage was very different to the typical citizens of the brave new world. Unlike them, he was born from a mother and he grew up in a similar way to that of someone in todays world. When he goes to the brave new world, it is obvious his views are not shared. He is seen as askew, misguided, defective, an outsider. In a completely new world, a place he’s never been in, the Savage ultimately struggles to maintain his individualism. His ethics and beliefs have never been challenged like this before. A major challenge he faced upon arriving at the brave new world is Lenina. Upon getting to know her he started to fall in love with her. Due to the way he was brought up, he doesn’t just want to have has sexual desires fulfilled, he wants a relationship with her. Lenina on the other hand doesn’t believe in relationships as that is the case in the brave new world. She has also grown fond of the Savage, but unlike…
Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World is a well-developed, example of a society lacking morality, compassion, and individualism. In the beginning of the novel it starts by taking the reader through a series of events that led up to how they produce identical cloned human beings. They are separated by their body type and intellectually. The author shows that the people are made specifically to help benefit the community in many ways. From their “birth”, the people in Brave New Worlds society is stripped from their individualism and intelligence and then go through a series of lessons to learn to be exactly a like one another and what is right and wrong in their caste. Just from the beginning of the novel you can easily tell how different our world is compared to this one.…
Life compared to Brave New World and the present world are slightly different, but they both have many similarities. For one thing, life is taken for granted in both societies. Marriage is wasted, in the Savage Reservation the husbands aren't loyal or faithful to their wives, at it happens many times today. The use of drugs became a normal daily routine. Self-indulgences, nothing else matters as long ones self is happy. Weather it is in Brave New World or today's world the arts consist of one thing, sex.…
Today we live in a society that has Brave New World written all over it. A lot of people wouldn’t agree with me, but those are the same people who refuse to open their minds and eyes to what’s actually happening in the world. It’s literally right in front of us not to the same extent, but its close. For this essay I chose the topic of how close we are to the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley in terms of personal relationships and society.…
How close do you think our society is to the society in the brave new world? It is closer than you would think but it is not there just yet. There are certain spots and subjects that we are close to their society but there are some spots and subjects that are not close at all. There are family relationships, friend and peers relationships, and boyfriend and girlfriend relationships. They are all different when it comes to how close they are.…