The change of the position of women in Egypt has been strongly observed in the last few decades. Some radical Muslims regard this change as an exaggerated liberation for the woman that they claim that is not accepted. While, other people see that this change is the start of civilization for the country. In the 1870 's the Egyptian women lacked many of their rights, they were treated almost as slaves. Hence, the Egyptian women kept fighting for their rights for many years until laws were issued to protect the women 's rights. Galal Amin, an Egyptian author, tackled the advance of this issue in the chapter “The Position of Women” in his book “Whatever Happened to the Egyptians”. Galal Amin only mentioned how the position of women changed in their marital homes. Although in reality, by analyzing and comparing the advance of the position of women, it changed in a wider range. Moreover, the recent Egyptian revolution caused some social changes in the position of women.
Galal Amin wanted to show the readers how the evolution of the position of women happened over various generations. He approached this issue by comparing his mother and daughter 's lives. First, Amin mentioned the difference of their roles in their lives. He showed his admiration to his daughter’s role and independence as he mentioned that his daughter had a job and was working for a post graduate degree. While, his mother didn’t have a job; her only role was cooking and looking after the family members. He wanted to show how women in his daughter’s generation are better off than his mother’s generation. Over years women started to care for their own independent life and started having a positive influential role in the society. Although, in the recent decades, women are concerned with their personal lives and their careers, still, they are responsible for running their houses and looking after their families. "Before she goes to work, and after she returns
References: "Egypt index." Egypt-Education., December 1990. Tadros, Mariz. "Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Progress Amid Resistance" Sanja Kelly and Julia Breslin (New York, NY: Freedom House, 2010. BMJ Group. "Egypt tightens ban on female genital mutilation after 12 year old girl dies" PMC, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. July 2007 Metwally, Heba. "The role of Egyptians in Stereotyping Single Women." Cairo : AUC press, 2013 "Separation and Divorce." Women 's Islamic Initiative in Sprituality and Equality. 2009 Mourad, Mary "How far will Egypt 's new constitution change the position of women." ahram online. Ahram online, 2010. Warhol, Andy "Quotation Details." The quotation page, 1994.